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Beneath a Scarlet Sky Vocabulary – Part 1.

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1 Beneath a Scarlet Sky Vocabulary – Part 1

2 Beneath a Scarlet Sky – Vocabulary – Part 1
aerial – (adj.) existing, occurring, moving, or operating in the air The possibility of an aerial attack seemed real to Pino. prudent – (adj.) practical and careful in providing for the future A prudent man always prepares for the worst. piazza – (noun) an open square or public place in a city or town in Italy. Mimo took off emerging into a piazza graced by a statue of Leonardo da Vinci. svelte – (adj.) slender, especially gracefully slender in figure Svelt and medium height, she wore a yellow summer dress and carried a canvas shopping bag. scoffed – (verb) to speak contemptuously (about); jeer; mock “Listen to you,” she scoffed as she kept walking. intoxicating – (adj.) exhilarating; exciting It was intoxicating, like nothing he’d ever smelled before. reputable – (adj) having a good reputation; trustworthy, or respectable “So you see, I come from a reputable family.”

3 Milan’s Cathedral - Duoma

4 Catherdral on right – Galleria Arch on Left

5 Inside the Galleria

6 Leaving the Galleria for the Piazza della Scala

7 La Scala Opera House

8 Map of Milan

9 Mimo – Pino’s shorter brother Carletto – Pino’s best friend
Cast of Characters Pino – Protagonist Mimo – Pino’s shorter brother Carletto – Pino’s best friend Anna- a girl Pino likes Michele – Pino’s dad Porzia – Pino’s mother

10 Words of Wisdom #1 TTYP – From the passage below, find the Words of Wisdom and write down on Notice and Notes Note page. Discuss then Answer the anchor question.

11 Again and Again #1 TTYP – From the passage below, find the Again and Again and it write down on Notice and Notes Note page. Discuss then Answer the anchor question. As she’d passed, Pino smelled her female-and jasmine scent. It was intoxicating, like nothing he’d ever smelled before. He hurried after her, saying, “It is true. I see many beautiful ladies, signorina. I live in the fashion district, San Babila. Many models.” She gave him a sidelong glance. “San Babila is a very fine place to live.”

12 Again and Again #2 TTYP – From the passage below, find the Again and Again and it write down on Notice and Notes Note page. Discuss then Answer the anchor question. At last they were alongside the Duomo itself. There were no bomb craters here by the cathedral. No rubble. No fire. It was as if the attack had never happened but for the wailing grief in the distance. Pino smiled wealkly. “Cardinal Schuster’s plan worked.” Mimo frowned and said, “Home’s close to the cathedral, but not that close.”

13 Word of Wisdom #2 TTYP – From the passage below, find the Words of Wisdom and write down on Notice and Notes Note page. Discuss then Answer the anchor question. “The city’s on fire and you’re playing music?” Pino shouted at Porzia, who took an alarmed step back. “People are dying and you’re playing music?” Several people came into the hallway behind his mother, including his aunt, uncle, and father. Michele, Pino’s father said, “Music is how we survive such times, Pino.”

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