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A Window to the World - News

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1 A Window to the World - News
Newspaper Headlines A Window to the World - News

2 Lesson Objectives Examine at newspaper headlines in more detail
Understand the difference between tabloid and broadsheet headlines

3 Why have a headline? Introduce the main story
Grab the reader’s attention Shock or surprise Make you want to read the whole article

4 What makes a good headline? It all depends on the type of paper!
Tabloid and broadsheet newspapers will present their headlines in different ways They have a different target audience The stories they cover are quite different

5 Broadsheet Headlines Usually quite straightforward
Longer, fuller sentences; more sophisticated language Always about serious ‘hard’ news Headlines try to be concise but informative

6 “Brown losing his touch on the economy, say voters”
“Pressure for radical reform on tax system” “Climate change department faces £300 million cuts”

7 Tabloid Headlines Very short and snappy
Sometimes use puns (play on words) or alliteration to grab readers’ attention Use shocking headlines to instantly draw the reader in Quite often humorous, especially if an entertainment story Often related to the picture, but they let the picture speak for itself Opinionated when it comes to real news stories




11 Government backs radical plan to stop Muslim extremism
Tabloid or Broadsheet? 1 Government backs radical plan to stop Muslim extremism Broadsheet

12 Tabloid or Broadsheet? 2 Alien backs Clinton! Tabloid

13 Tabloid or Broadsheet? 3 Gord help us now! Tabloid

14 Doubts over value of 3 billion HKD Sure Start
Tabloid or Broadsheet? 4 Doubts over value of 3 billion HKD Sure Start Broadsheet

15 Tabloid or Broadsheet? 5 Kicked in the ballots Tabloid

16 Tabloid or Broadsheet? 6 Potcha! Tabloid

17 Union strikes threaten HK power supplies
Tabloid or Broadsheet 7 Union strikes threaten HK power supplies Broadsheet

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