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Water Conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Conservation

2 Why should we conserve? Not everyone has clean water
The water cycle makes all water connected We can treat water but the faster we pollute it, the more it is treated, the longer it stays out of the cycle

3 Impervious vs Pervious
Impervious surfaces are areas where water is not absorbed It becomes ‘runoff’ and picks up pollutants and sediment as it enters storm drains for bodies of water Pervious surface are areas where water is absorbed into the ground This prevents runoff and lets water get into the water cycle faster

4 What can you do? Take 5 minutes and come up with/look up ideas online about ways we can conserve water and reduce our runoff Write you responses on the white boards

5 Ideas

6 Grey Water Systems Using water from sink drains, washing machines and dishwashers for irrigation in your yard

7 Rain Barrels Collecting rain water from drainage spouts and using in yard for irrigation

8 Small Changes Shorter showers Turn off water when it is not in use
Only wash full loads of laundry/dishes Plant native plants Water yard/garden in early morning or early evening when evaporation rates are lower Check pipes/toilet for small leaks Install low flow showerheads, faucets and toilets

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