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Agenda Welcome & Introductions

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Welcome & Introductions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Cardiff Health, Social Care & Wellbeing Network 6 September 2018

2 Agenda Welcome & Introductions
Cardiff and Vale Substance Misuse Third Sector Engagement Session Break Social Prescribing Research Community Health Council National Centre for Population Health and Wellbeing Research (brief introduction) Member updates Networking Close

3 Cardiff and Vale Substance Misuse Needs Assessment Key questions

4 The Institute of Public Care
We are part of Oxford Brookes University We work with our clients to deliver better health and social care outcomes We use our professional experience and academic rigour to drive improvement and innovation, and to generate new learning for the benefit of people, organisations and communities

5 Question 1 What are the big substance use/misuse issues at the moment in CAV and are things changing?

6 Question 2 What services are available and how do people find out about them to get help and support?

7 Question 3 What is your experience of how services work at present?
What helps and what hinders?

8 Question 4 How do people move through the system, towards recovery?
What helps people to keep going and what makes it difficult?

9 Next steps

10 Social Prescribing Research
Agreed Research Priorities Following a process of debating, defining and voting, eight research priorities were identified and agreed as follows: 1st: What systems might sustain community assets? How can we make it sustainable? (n=42) 2nd: What does ‘good’ look like? What are the critical success factors for Social Prescribing? What are the barriers to stop things working? (n=37) 3rd: What would an all-Wales agreed evaluation framework look like? (n=31) 4th: How can we be mindful of demedicalisation/medicalisation/power-dynamics/language? (n=29) 5th: How do we stay true to the experience of an individual vs the experience of the ‘population’? (n=25) 6th: How can we use ‘appropriately’ ethical research processes? What are appropriate forms of inquiry to produce useful evidence? (n=14) 7th: How are decisions made? And what nudges are needed? (n=6) 8th: What does ‘accountability’ mean? (n=0)

11 Community Health Council – Annual Review
If you have had contact with the Cardiff & Vale Community Health Council, how would you evaluate that contact? Would you value more contact with the CHC? If so how and in what format (Newsletter, papers etc) How can contact be improved with the CHC?

12 Community Health Council – Work Programme 2019/2020
What do you consider to be the key priorities for health services in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan? What if any activities do you think the CHC should be doing that it isn’t currently? What if any activities do you think the CHC should stop doing? How could the CHC become more effective in representing the views of local people?

13 National Centre for Population Health and Wellbeing Research (NCPHWR)
Aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Wales. This is aligned with Taking Wales Forward, the Prosperity for All: The National Strategy, the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and key Welsh Government priorities around Prudent Healthcare and Public Health Early years and social care strategies.

14 News Developments Issues
Information Sharing News Developments Issues

15 Health and Social Care Facilitator
Finally Feedback on todays meeting Sarah Capstick, Health and Social Care Facilitator /

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