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Towards more efficient energy use - IPP perspective

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1 Towards more efficient energy use - IPP perspective
Thursday 07th February 2013 Towards more efficient energy use - IPP perspective Presented by KRISHNA RAM BHUPAL Managing Director, GVK Power (Goindwal Sahib) Limited

2 A Perspective on Resource Allocation
The free-market will ensure that the allocation of resources is done in the most economically efficient manner. - Adam Smith, 18th Century

3 Efficient Generation – Gas plants
Efficiency of the GTs is highest when PLF is between 80% - 100% In a constrained gas scenario how to ensure efficient energy Generation ? Alternative options to be explored ..

4 Promoting Efficiency in Gas Based Power
Gas based IPPs in receiving 7% quantity against contracted quantity of 75% In a GVK plant, flexibility in drawl of gas has been worked out with Gas Transporter in terms of Deferred Delivery Service Plant operates for 2 days in at 85%+ PLF and shuts down in the intervening period Taking this idea further, gas pooling across IPPs would further the goal of efficiency improvement

5 Perspective on Coal based plants
Should efficiency be criterion in coal linkage for existing power plants ? Operating Station Heat Rates (SHR) in some of the power plants has been off by more than 15% compared to Design SHR ? Should preference in coal allocation be given to plants with efficient and latest technology than older plants ?

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