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Model Calculations of the Ionosphere of Titan during Eclipse Conditions 2006-03-21 Karin Ågren IRF-U, LTU.

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Presentation on theme: "Model Calculations of the Ionosphere of Titan during Eclipse Conditions 2006-03-21 Karin Ågren IRF-U, LTU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Model Calculations of the Ionosphere of Titan during Eclipse Conditions
Karin Ågren IRF-U, LTU

2 Contents Introduction Neutral atmosphere Ionisation calculations
Cassini Titan Neutral atmosphere Ionisation calculations Chemistry in Titan’s ionosphere Ion and electron spectra Conclusion

3 Cassini ESA/NASA-project Launch: Oct 1997 Saturn: July 2004 RPWS
Langmuir probe INMS CAPS Huygens

4 Cassini 44 planned flybys of Titan T5 – April 16 2005
Closest approach: 1025 km INMS, CAPS, RPWS data collected rather deep flyby nightside pass

5 Titan r = 2575 km 2nd largest moon in the solar system
Dense atmosphere Mainly N2 Orbits Saturn at a distance of 20.3 Rs

6 Titan Ionisation sources: EUV radiation Photoelectrons
Magnetospheric e- Cosmic rays Proton and ion precipitation

7 Titan We would like to investigate whether magnetospheric impacting electrons alone can account for the observed ionisation during T5

8 Neutral atmosphere Based on work by Roger Yelle N2 - main constituent
CH4 H2 - escapes the moon

9 Neutral atmosphere Minor constituents HCN
Values achieved from Ingo Müller-Wodarg C2H4 HC3N Based on models by Yung and Toublanc

10 Ionisation calculations
M. H. Rees 200 eV < E < 50 keV the effective range is dependent on the assumption that the average energy loss per ionising collision is constant this breaks down for low energies of electrons

11 Ionisation calculations
F = electron flux [cm-2 s-1] E = energy of the incoming electrons [eV] (s/R) = energy dissipation function [-] (z) = mass density [g cm-3] R(E) = effective range [g cm-2] ion = energy loss per ion formation [eV] 37 eV for N2

12 Ionisation calculations
The ionisation rate shown for a unidirectional beam and an isotropic distribution The unidirectional distribution goes straight into the atmosphere shows better agreement to data

13 Ionisation calculations
Model for E < 200 eV achieved from Prof. Dirk Lummerzheim propagates an electron spectra into a neutral atmosphere obtains the ionisation rate as a function of column density known column density as a function of altitude of Titan  ionisation rate as a function of altitude 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100 and 150 eV

14 Ionisation calculations
Combining the models peak altitudes as a function of electron energy good agreement can be seen

15 Chemistry in Titan’s ionosphere
Keller et al, 1998

16 Chemistry in Titan’s ionosphere
Main reactions: N2+ + CH4  CH3+ + N2 + H CH3+ + CH4  C2H5+ + H2 C2H5+ + HCN  HCNH+ + C2H4 Recombination reaction: HCNH+ + e-  HCN + H

17 Chemistry in Titan’s ionosphere
Beside the main reactions we look at the formation of C3H2N+ C5H5N+ By adding the ion densities we achieve the total electron density

18 Ion spectra The Toublanc model shows better agreement to observation
This is most clearly seen by looking at the density of heavy ions at low altitudes

19 Ion spectra A cross-over can be seen at approximately the same altitude in both figures The heavy ions are common at low altitudes, after which they quickly lose importance for the total electron density

20 Ion spectra A cross-over can be seen at approximately the same altitude in both figures

21 Ion spectra The heavy ions are common at low altitudes, after which they quickly lose importance for the total electron density

22 Electron spectra Electron density measured by Cassini
Density profiles achieved from our model The upper limit for the electron energy is 450 eV By adding the profiles we achieve an energy range of the incoming electrons of – 450 eV

23 Electron spectra CAPS ELS data Photoelectrons from the spacecraft
Passing of Titan Incoming electrons in an energy range of appr. 10 – 500 eV

24 Electron spectra CAPS ELS data Photoelectrons from the spacecraft

25 Electron spectra CAPS ELS data Passing of Titan

26 Electron spectra CAPS ELS data Incoming electrons in
an energy range of appr. 10 – 500 eV

27 Electron spectra The same energy range of the incoming electrons in the model and in the actual data

28 Conclusion By using our model we have shown that magnetospheric impacting electrons alone can account for the observed density profile This applies for electron energies and flux

29 Thank you for listening.

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