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Using Physical Quantities in SysML

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1 Using Physical Quantities in SysML

2 Motivation Need quantities for analysis Also need non-atomic values:
Also multiply number of things to get total quantities Also need non-atomic values: Vectors Matrices Scalar Fields Vector Fields Time-varying quantities Want to try and use most UML-like options

3 Key Semantics to Rectify
Deal with the fact that engineering properties have quantities not values Power is not a value, but an amount of work over an amount of time Powers and masses don’t go together It’s not just about units Deal with time properly System should be referenced to points in time when things are dynamic – there is a quantity of time between two of these points Deal with vectors properly Index values against a vector basis Deal with locations in space properly Index scalars and vector quantities against points in space Properly treat model as constraint on use-time instances

4 Key idea from UML: Association Qualifiers
“A qualified Association end has qualifiers that partition the instances associated with an instance at that end, the qualified instance. Each partition is designated by a qualifier value, which is a tuple comprising one value for each qualifier. The multiplicities at the other ends of the association determine the number of instances in each partition. So, for example, 0..1 means there is at most one instance per qualifier value. If the lower bounds are non-zero, the qualifier values must be a finite set, for example because the qualifiers are typed by enumerations. “ Instances of quantities would be indexed by instances of time points, for example

5 No reason that number of wheels should be fundamentally different than number of meters between wheel center and edge (radius) Dynamic properties have values indexed by time Vector properties are also indexed by the choice of basis and vector Units aren’t quantities – they just scale them Quantity is like AdjunctProperty – a patch waiting for other fix

6 The “quantity binding” intends to connect the QuantityProperty / multiplicity to the value of constraint parameters Again, this is a patch on waiting for deeper solution in UML

7 Instantiation of the block diagram for a given time trajectory might look like this – a series of time points, velocities, and vector directions. UML specification is unclear about how to actually connect the “key” from the qualifier to the “value” of the property …

8 Velocity = (t = 0, x) -> 10. 0, (t = 1, x) -> 15
Velocity = (t = 0, x) -> 10.0, (t = 1, x) -> 15.0, (t = 2, x) -> 15.75 Should have an instance notation that works better with a functional mapping between domain and codomain instances

9 The Argument (1) Current approach to engineering properties has a series of problems Cannot use multiplicities of parts in equations (to get total mass, for example) Does not make sense that one physical quantity (e.g., number of wheels) is modeled differently than another (e.g., number of atoms -> mass) No standard way to connect the time of behaviors to computations No vectors, matrices, scalar fields, vector fields

10 The Argument (2) Want to use existing UML semantics where possible
Connect multiplicity to physical quantity Use qualifiers as mathematical function, e.g., property S(t) : time -> Speed quantity May need to use SysML stereotypes to guide UML in useful directions Other alternatives have been tried but are more kludgy; also don’t resolve quantity mismatch in multiplicity semantics Stereotyping one ValueProperty as Key and other as Value Making compound ValueTypes

11 Conclusion Have an approach to physical quantities to emphasize the “physical” Also includes features to get properties and values needed for more in-depth engineering analysis Unfortunately requires more of the “double bookkeeping” with Stereotypes creeping into SysML

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