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Learning Map for Year 6: Summer

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1 Learning Map for Year 6: Summer 1 2019
Are we nearly there yet? (Journeys) Please encourage your child to read each day Sphero Robots Creating mazes and coding the robots to navigate these (including use of obstructions). Exploring levels of formality Persuasive Writing - Writing a personal statement to apply for a job in role as a crew member. Bon Voyage Cards – Writing an informal letter. Information Texts – Antarctic Animals. Newspaper Reports – Integrating Speech. Cricket & Athletics Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar SATs Revision of spelling rules, punctuation and grammar. SATs Paper Practice Gymnastics Science Computing Swimming (summer 2) English Narrative – Alma Planning a story from start to resolution. Building suspense using different sentence structures. Describing character and setting. Integrating speech and using this to move the action on. PE Light Recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines. Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye. Explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects then to our eyes. Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them. Year 6 Are we nearly there yet? Geography SATs Revision of all topics. SATs Paper Practice Arithmetic Paper Practice Music DT Shackleton’s Journey Plotting the journey on a world map. Identifying what the physical features of the landscape would have been then – what is it like now? Weather – climate change. Year 6 Production Songs RE Maths Sewing – making phone cases. Do Fame and Christian Faith Go Together? Know the qualities and values needed to become a Christian, and how this faith supports famous people in who they are. Distinguish between the qualities that make a person famous and the qualities needed to be a Christian. Should Every Christian Go On a Pilgrimage? Compare the practices and experiences of pilgrimage for a Christian and those of other faiths. Think about inspirational journeys and what a spiritual journey means for a person of faith. Problem Solving and Using a Calculator Use a calculator to convert fractions to decimals; read recurring displays. Realise when a calculator has produced a rounding error. Use a calculator and reasoning skills to aid problem solving. Begin to use the memory (M+, M- and MR) keys. Problem Solving and Investigations Solve logic puzzles. Work systematically to solve visual puzzles. Use mathematical reasoning to solve number puzzles. Find, describe and predict patterns. Investigate mathematicians including Fibonacci and Pascal.

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