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CONQUISTADORS Spanish soldiers and explorers who led military expeditions in the Americas.

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Presentation on theme: "CONQUISTADORS Spanish soldiers and explorers who led military expeditions in the Americas."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONQUISTADORS Spanish soldiers and explorers who led military expeditions in the Americas.

2 Hernan Cortes Conquered the Aztecs
Aztecs lived in modern day Mexico, Mexico City How did he Conquer them? Captured Montezuma (emperor) Laid siege to the city Superior weapons, horses and immunity to disease gave Cortez an upper hand Divisions amongst natives also helped Cortez Cortez lands on the shores of Mexico near the Maya, he finds a girl who had been sold by her family into slavery with the Mayans from the Aztecs. She knows both the Aztec and Mayan languages. She helps lead them from Mayans to Tenochtitlan. She hears rumors of natives wanting to stop Cortez and she warns him. She bears him a son. When they reach the Aztec Empire Cortez and his men (450) seize the Aztec Emperor Moteczuma. There’s some debate as to what happened to him. Some believe that Cortez forced the emperor to tell the Aztec people to stop rebelling, the people didn’t like this and therefore they stoned the emperor to death. Other people believe that the emperor died in a battle between the Aztecs and Spanish. Spanish weapons, horses and disease insured that Cortez could bring the fall of the Aztec empire. They laid siege on the city until the Aztecs surrendered. They were also helped by neighboring Natives who were sick of the Aztec domination of the area. Conquistadors knew the lake was the life blood of the Aztec Empire, so they drained it. Mexico City still struggles with water problems to this day.

3 Tenochtitlan Tay-noch-teet-lawn

4 Francisco Pizarro Conquered the Incas Incas lived in modern day Peru
How did he conquer them? Killed ruling elites at a “conference” Captured Atahualpa, took the gold form his people, and then killed him Used his superior weapons, horses and immunities to diseases to destroy the Incas Also exploited divisions amongst the Natives. Pizarro led a force of 600 men to Peru. The Inca ruling house had just experienced a bitter dispute leaving them exploitable. Pizarro quickly took the Inca capital at Cuzco. The conquistadors called the ruling elites of the Inca Empire saying they were going to hold a “conference.” They killed most of the rulers. They spared the Inca ruler Atahualpa. His people filled a room with Gold to try and convince Pizarro to let their ruler go. The conquistadors took the gold, killed Atahualpa then looted Cuzco even taking jewelry from the bodies of deceased Inca rulers. Pizarro was able to defeat the Incas for the same reasons Cortez defeat the Aztecs. They had better weapons, horses, immunities to diseases, and there were divisions amongst the natives. A lot of the Inca people didn’t like their rulers, so they either sided with Pizarro, or didn’t stop him.


6 Francisco Coronado Ponce de Leon
Unsuccessfully looked for the seven cities of gold Road the El Dorado Unsuccessfully looked for the fountain of youth

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