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Skill Talk Research Create Understand Experiment Reflect

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1 Skill Talk Research Create Understand Experiment Reflect
Year 1 Homework – Sun, Sea and Sand Please complete a minimum of one task per half term, but of course you may complete as many of the tasks as you like. You can present your work in any way you wish. We look forward to seeing some of your amazing creations. Have fun! Skill Task Option 1 Task Option 2 Talk Have you ever been to the seaside? Where did you go? How did you get there? What activities did you do when you were there? Think about somewhere you have been where it was hot and sunny. Was it in this country or abroad? Have you got photos of this memory? Research How many miles is it to Felixstowe? How many miles is it to Southwold? Can you find the distances to some other seaside towns? How many different seaside locations can you think of? Collect some leaflets or travel brochures which show these locations. Create Make a menu for a Seaside Café. What will you serve> How much will it cost? Make a seaside collage. This could show an under water scene or a beach scene. You could use scraps of paper and material. Understand What are the features of a seaside resort? Make a list. Why did the Victorians start visiting the seaside? Experiment Experiment by making a small boat or raft. Does it float? Can it carry an object? Try and create a seaside in a jar or bottle with a lid. Use sand, stones and water. What happens when you shake the bottle? What sinks to the bottom? Can you put something in it that floats? Reflect What has been your favourite part of the topic this term? Which seaside location would you like to visit? Why?

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