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Presentation on theme: "Muckrakers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muckrakers

2 Lincoln Steffens I exposed politicians that worked with business owners to take over industries.

3 I took on the oil trusts and showed how they controlled prices.
Ida Tarbell I took on the oil trusts and showed how they controlled prices.

4 I wrote a book on the horrible conditions of the meatpacking industry.
Upton Sinclair I wrote a book on the horrible conditions of the meatpacking industry.

5 This is what creates labels on our food.
MOOOOO!!!! The book was published in 1906, and Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906. This is what creates labels on our food.

6 !!!Government Reacts to the People!!!

7 Interstate Commerce Act 1887

8 Oregon System Initiative = When the people get to place a bill on a ballot to vote. Referendum = Voters could go for or against state government laws, for they have to be put to a vote before becoming a law. Recall = Allows people to vote out government officials.

9 17th Amendment Originally state representatives picked the state senators. However, because of corruption, the people were able to get passed a new Amendment which allowed people to directly vote for their Senators, which we still do today.


11 ???How Far Should Muckrakers Go???
What is a good thing that can come from Muckraking. What is a bad thing that can come from Muckraking. How far should muckraking go? Are there things we should not know, or should we know everything? Explain?

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