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Technology Collaboration in Brazil

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1 Technology Collaboration in Brazil
July 2011 James Faroppa

2 Introduction BG on Technology Brasil Proposition
Recognise new solutions drive industry performance Applied innovator strategy Investment in Brazil R&D in partnership with ANP Brasil Proposition Brasil 15th in the world in relevant scientific production Globally recognised R&D in: Deep-water drilling Bio-fuels Farming Aviation Relative Citation Index

3 BG Group Global Technology Centre
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BG Group Global Technology Centre Front view

4 BG Group Global Technology Centre
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BG Group Global Technology Centre North view

5 BG Group Global Technology Centre
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BG Group Global Technology Centre Internal view

6 BG Group Global Technology Centre
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BG Group Global Technology Centre East view

7 Located in the “Energy City – Rio de Janeiro”
Overview Deliver Brazil R&D investments Based at UFRJ Engine for delivery of Group wide technology value Milestones GTC completed 2013 Rio de Janeiro Federal University campus hosts a number of companies

8 Working with Universities
Our beliefs: University innovation is vital to industry Leading research is the intellectual stimulus to attract the best Education and advancement are interlinked Joint benefits in partnership Leverage scarce talent

9 Working with Universities
What we will provide : Long-term relationships Investment of time and commitment Freedom to publish results Shared benefits Applied research Interesting and challenging problems Good data Industry partners Relationship based on contacts not contracts

10 BG Group Institutes – Links with Academia
Partnership between BG and University circa. 10 in Brazil Each institute will address a specific technology need Institute will have an external university partner Fundamental research delivery mechanism BG / ANP may fund infrastructure, equipment and research staff salaries Aspires to be a globally recognised.

11 Creating BG Group Institutes – what we look for
External University Leading research expertise in an area relevant to BG’s challenges Genuinely inter-disciplinary Experienced with industrial partnerships and collaborative research Demographically viable – is position sustainable Brazilian University Aspiration to grow a collaborative research capability Understanding that academia and industry aims are different Educational support

12 BG Technology Hubs Focussed technology programme Existing Building
Potential Water Management Onshore Logistics CSG Safety and Asset Integrity Applied Carbonate Technology HPHT development Improved and enhanced recovery Carbon management and gas utilisation Advanced geophysical imaging Deepwater developments Shale gas Focussed technology programme

13 Sustainable Innovation: Research – Training Nexus
BGI Post graduates studies Tertiary education Supporting STEM teaching Widening access Leading research Build focussed training Collaborative, internationally renowned Talent development Build capabilities Outreach "Supporting STEM teaching" Background: Supporting teachers' training to support better teaching of STEM competencies and subjects (mainly secondary, but possibly also primary education) Widening access" Background: Supporting pupils attending public sector schools in specific geographical areas to acquire STEM competencies and skills to increase their chances and motivations to pursue STEM related university courses. Competencies Ability and Motivation

14 Fellowship Programme Joint effort between: BG Brazil
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT) Partnership will fund up to 450 international fellowships over next 8 years BG will identify and fund : Industrial fellowships and placements outside of Brazil for Brazilian students Academic placements outside of Brazil for Brazilian students Attract world-leading academic talent into technology institutes in Brazil World-class researchers to teach and coordinate research in Brazil . A network of BG institutes will be created within Brazilian universities.

15 tomorrow’s technology in today’s assets
BG Group Technology tomorrow’s technology in today’s assets

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