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Younha Kim 1) · Jung-Hun Woo

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1 Future Emissions(~2100yr) of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases over East Asia
Younha Kim 1) · Jung-Hun Woo* 1) · Ki-Chul Choi 1) · Qiang Zhang 2) · Dong-Keun Lee 3) Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea 1) · Tsinghua University, Bejing, China 2) , Seoul National University, Korea 3) SUMMARY A new set of future(1995 yr ~2100 yr) energy and emissions scenario (based on Shared Social Pathways: SSPs) for East Asia . (this poster is focused on China) MESSAGE (model), AIM(Japan, Korea) are used to make projection factor. More stringent SLCPs(air pollutants) control policies(for China) are implemented and that showed high emission reduction. Future modeling emissions using CREATE inventory and that have being developed in support of ICAMS-based, “Climate Change on Air Quality” studies

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