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Vocabulary Group 4.

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1 Vocabulary Group 4

2 brawl brol A noisy fight
N hostile A noisy fight The brawl between the two angry men was noisy.

3 grudge gruj N hostile A feeling of ill will or resentment Gary certainly holds a grudge; he never forgives anybody.

4 persecute pur si kyut V hostile To treat others cruelly because they are different (usually political, religious, or ethnic differences) The Jews were persecuted by the Nazis.

5 prejudice pre ju dus N hostile Any opinion or feeling not based on facts Often, our first impressions of people can be blinded by prejudice.

6 retaliate ri ta le ate V hostile To get back at someone We must retaliate against the general’s army.

7 revenge ri venj N hostile The wish to harm someone who has harmed you I will take revenge on the person who stole my pet monkey.

8 siege sej N hostile A military blockade designed to cut off the supplies of a fortified place and force a surrender The old castle withstood the siege for two weeks before it fell.

9 skirmish skur mish N hostile A minor battle or confrontation In World War II, there were many minor skirmishes.

10 stern sturn A hostile Hard, harsh or gloomy At boot camp, the sergeant had a stern expression.

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