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Coal Gasification Characteristics: Focus on high ash Indian Coal Presented by Dr. Kalyan Sen Former Director, Central Fuel Research Institute (CFRI) and.

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Presentation on theme: "Coal Gasification Characteristics: Focus on high ash Indian Coal Presented by Dr. Kalyan Sen Former Director, Central Fuel Research Institute (CFRI) and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coal Gasification Characteristics: Focus on high ash Indian Coal Presented by Dr. Kalyan Sen Former Director, Central Fuel Research Institute (CFRI) and Central Mining Research Institute,(CMRI), CSIR, India

2 Fuel-wise Primary Energy Consumption Primary Energy Mix -- World: (Oil & Gas) - 61%, India: Coal - 54% All figures are in percent

3 Coal is the prime energy resource in India Major problems associated with the current coal based technologies are lower efficiency, environmental loading and consequent damages thereof. Coal gasification has been internationally accepted as one of the most viable and effective clean coal technology for various applications Matching gasification technologies to coal properties. Good understanding of gasification reactivity is very essential

4 Studies on gasification reactivity of high ash Indian coals

5 Gasification performance of high ash Indian coal in Fluidized Bed Gasifier The gasifier operated in the temperature range between 800–1000 0 C. Air/Coal ratio: 1.5 – 2.0 Steam/Coal ratio: 0.1 – 0.3 Heating value of the product gas: 1000 – 1200 Kcal/Nm 3 Product Gas Composition (%) CO15 - 22 H2H2 15 – 20 CO 2 10 – 12 CH 4 1 – 2 N2N2 48 - 56

6 Conclusion Selection of particular coal gasification technology is mainly dependent on coal properties. Fluidized bed gasifier is most suitable for high ash Indian coal. Reactivity of coal plays a significant role in gasification. Low grade high ash Indian coals are highly reactive and can be utilized efficiently through surface as well as underground coal gasification as per techno-economic feasibility.


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