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Warm Up 1. 10C3 5. 10P4 12C4 6. 8P3 10C6 7. 11P3 8C5 8. 7P5.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 1. 10C3 5. 10P4 12C4 6. 8P3 10C6 7. 11P3 8C5 8. 7P5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 1. 10C P4 12C P3 10C P3 8C P5

2 L6-8 Objective: Students will build and use Pascal’s triangle AND use the binomial theorem.


4 Because the first line is (a+b)0 when using Pascal’s triangle we begin counting with 0

5 Review Simplify (x + 1)² Simplify ( x + 1)³ Simplify ( x + 1)4

6 Simplify (x + 1)6 (x + 1)7 (x + 1)8 (x + 1)9

7 Use Pascal’s Triangle to expand (x – 3)4.
Use Pascal’s Triangle to expand (a + b)5.

8 Practice Expand 1. ( x + 5)6 2. (y – 2)5 3. (m + 2)7 4. (2x – 1)4


10 To find a specific term: nCr( )n-r( )r
Ex 4: find the 4th term of (x – 7)8 Because Pascal’s triangle begins with 0 the r is 3 not 4. ( ) n is 8 because that is the exponent.

11 Ex 5: Find the 3rd term of (y + 5)6
Ex 6: find the 7th term of (x – 4)8

12 Practice 1. 9th term (x – 6)8 2. 6th term (y + 4) 8
3. 4th term (m + 2)6 Homework L6.8 (p 361) 2-20e 24-42e 48-56e

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