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Environmental Science

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Science
Land Resources Environmental Science

2 Land Use Agriculture Forestry Mineral extraction Water abstraction
Industry Domestic Amenity Leisure Conservation Defence Waste or derelict

3 Conflicts of multiple land use
New developments can be built on either: Brownfield (land previously developed) Greenfield (land with no previous development)

4 Land management strategies
Due to conflicting land uses legislation has been necessary to protect our Environment. Research the following: Control of Pollution Act 1989 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Environment Act 1995 EU Directives e.g. Habitat Directives 1992 National land use database is a good place to start.

5 Decision making exercise
Where should we build new homes?

6 Next Week Conditions for life on Earth Autotrophic nutrition
Hetrotrophic nutrition Respiration

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