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January 10, 2019 Learning Questions What am I learning today?

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Presentation on theme: "January 10, 2019 Learning Questions What am I learning today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 10, 2019 Learning Questions What am I learning today?
South Africa & Apartheid What am I going to do to learn? Play a game – Board Race How will I show what I know? Compete with my team to show we learned the most about South Africa & Apartheid Warm-Up # Clear your desk once you're done & sit quietly Tools Pencil Warm-up worksheet

2 BOARD RACE How to play: Divide into two teams
One representative from each team comes to the board to answer a question. The first person to write the correct answer (legibly) on the board wins a point for his/her team The catch: the student at the board only gets one chance If both representatives miss the question, one person from the audience with a raised hand will get to answer Whichever team has the most points at the end of class wins (sorry, no prizes – just bragging rights) Each representative that gets a correct answer can have a piece of candy from the front

3 Name three (3) natural resources from South Africa
Cotton, fruit, peanuts, tobacco, vegetables, vineyards, grains, sugarcane, livestock, coal, gold

4 What's the word? A penalty for disobeying (typically economic penalties place on countries to get them to change something. Sanction

5 He was the white President of South Africa from 1989-1994
Who is it? He was the white President of South Africa from F.W. deKlerk

6 The National Party (Afrikaners) takes power
What came first? The National Party (Afrikaners) takes power The Africa National Congress (ANC) formed to get equal rights The African National Congress (ANC) formed to get equal rights for non-white people (mainly black people) in South Africa

7 Name two(2) industries in South Africa
Diamonds, manufacturing, mining, farming

8 Name two ways you can be ready to learn every day
Diamonds, manufacturing, mining, farming

9 What's the word? The refusal to have dealings with (a person, a store, an organization) usually to express disapproval or to force acceptance of certain conditions Boycott

10 Who is it? Anti-Apartheid activist who went on to become the first black President of Africa Mandela

11 To stop work in order to force someone to comply with demands
What's the word? To stop work in order to force someone to comply with demands Strike

12 ANC unbanned and Mandela released from prison
What came first? ANC unbanned and Mandela released from prison Land Act passed, preventing South Africans from buying land outside of the homelands ANC unbanned and Mandela released from prison

13 Unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power
What's the word? Unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power Oppression

14 Where are the homelands located in relation to the natural resources?
Mainly outside of where the natural resources are located

15 To restore friendship or harmony
What's the word? To restore friendship or harmony Reconciliation

16 Name two ways you can respect your classmates every day

17 Who is it? White descendants of original Dutch settlers who took control of South Africa Afrikaners

18 70 black protesters killed at Sharpeville and ANC banned
What came first? 70 black protesters killed at Sharpeville and ANC banned Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment 70 black protesters killed at Sharpeville and ANC banned

19 What's the word? Sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own Tolerance

20 What prevented non-white people from making a living in the homelands?
A lack of natural resources in the homelands, so they could not easily produce goods

21 What's the word? Refusal to obey governmental demands or commands especially as a nonviolent and usually collect means of forcing concessions from the government Civil disobedience

22 Who is it? Leader of Indian independence movement against the British – used nonviolence and inspired Mandela to use nonviolence Mohandas Ghandi

23 To forbid or prevent from doing something
What's the word? To forbid or prevent from doing something Prohibit

24 Mandela leads the sabotage attacks of the ANC
What came first? Mandela leads the sabotage attacks of the ANC Group Areas Act passed that separates white people & non-white people 70 black protesters killed at Sharpeville and ANC banned

25 Why did the white Afrikaner government purposefully set up the homelands away from natural resources? To keep the non-white South Africans poor so they would be powerless against Apartheid

26 What's the word? People from one nation who take over and colonize another nation (usually for economic benefit) Imperialists

27 Who is it? Group of black South Africans whose goal was to have equal rights for everyone African National Congress

28 ANC wins first non-racial and equal elections
What came first? ANC wins first non-racial and equal elections deKlerk repeals (takes away) remaining Apartheid laws deKlerk repeals remaining Apartheid laws

29 What's the word? Destructive or obstructive action carried out by a civilian or enemy agent to hurt a nation Sabotage

30 January 10, 2019 Homework & Reminders
Study Africa History Notes and Apartheid Station Charts Africa History Study Guide due Tuesday January 15 African History & Culture Test Wednesday, January 16

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