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TFMM – Trends Available Meteorological Forcing

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1 TFMM – Trends Available Meteorological Forcing
Bertrand Bessagnet, Augustin Colette Institut National de L’Environnement Industriel et des Risques

2 ECMWF/IFS was used for recent Campaign analyses
Rationale ECMWF/IFS was used for recent Campaign analyses Need to find a consistent meteorological driver => Hindcasts of CORDEX Regional Climate Downscaling

3 EURO-CORDEX Hindcast with perfect boundary conditions to assess regional climate models Driven by ERA-Interim, no nudging Thoroughly documented in Kotlarski et al., GMD 2014 Cover , often extended to 2012 Ensemble: 9 models at 0.11 deg 8 additional models at 0.44 deg.

4 Optimised version Provided by Robert Vautard & Annemiek Stegehuis (LSCE/IPSL) Optimised configuration, nudged Volume 139G/yr 52G for chimere variables: sigma of half-sigma level, sigma of full-sigma level, Surface pressure, Base-state pressure, Perturbation pressure, SW radiation down, LW radiation down, 2m-mixing ratio, Longitudes of cross points, Latitudes of cross points, Accumulated convective precipitation, Accumulated large scale precipitation, x-wind at 10m, y-wind at 10m, Surface sensible heat fluxSurface latent heat flux, Frictional velocity, 2m air temperature, Soil Moisture level 1, PBL height from WRF, WRF x-wind WRF y-wind, Potential temperature, Cloud liquid water mixing ratio, Rain water mixing ratio, Specific humidity, Water equiv. accum. snow depth, Perturbation geopotential, Geopotential

5 Domains ED25n Cordex22s 45,000 points, about 25km
Does not fit in Cordex domain Cordex22s 32,500 points about 25km Cordex22s

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