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Twitter and your local business

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1 Twitter and your local business
By Connor Randell, Darrien deavault, david azar

2 What is twitter? An online news and social networking service where users post and interact with messages, "tweets," restricted to 140 characters Founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in July of

3 Great Business tweets

4 Why use twitter? Helps boost brands and may result in higher sales.
Small message that leads to real business results: 72 percent of followers likely to buy from business they follow. 86 percent of followers likely to visit a business if a friend recommends it. 85 percent of followers feel connected with businesses after following them. Important to understand how to get value out of tweets.

5 Position yourself as a thought leader
Position yourself as an industry expert. Share interesting information that will be useful to target audience. Engage others about their tweets relevant to your topic.

6 Create a clear and consistent brand
New forms of technological engagement are not creative ideas. “Twitter will fail to inspire purchases and brand loyalty unless coupled with the craft of brand building.” – Tom Doctoroff, J. Walter Thompson, Asia Pacific CEO.

7 Relate to your target audience
80 percent relationship-building, 20 percent selling. Be creative in your relatable tweets Trending events Memes Humor in general Quick response

8 Follow before engaging
Get to know your followers before engaging them personally. Understand their interests, likes, dislikes, and curiosities. Look into competitors your followers or interested in. Look into possible synergies between your business and the follower’s own.

9 Add value to your tweets
Stray away from the usually Twitter feed clutter. Gain your follower's ATTENTION. Stand among the others. Respond to questions. Retweet followers brand content.

10 Share your personality
Blend professional and personal insights for best Twitter use. Want your business information, but want to know they can trust and depend on you through value. Personality without being too personal. No irrelevance to business, its goals or its mission.

11 Understand what’s best to retweet
Retweet relevant content with your Twitter followers and connections. Be in line with your own brand to be shown as public endorsements.

12 Be careful what you “favorite”
All active users can see what you favorite. Stay clear of political or controversial tweets. Favorite tweets from journalists, publications and organizations positively representing and associating your industry.

13 Use direct messages sparingly
Direct messages may seem convenient, but end as black hole of communication. Frowned upon usage. Could be considered spam if user is unfamiliar with you. Use if having good relationship with follower.

14 Take the conversation offline
Each tweet is only 140 characters long. No need for large conversation thread. Take personal business or mass information to another communication outlet such as direct message or .

15 Twitter nationwide and worldwide
In 2016, there were more than 20 million Twitter users: 18-24: 12.1 million 25-34: 12.4 million 35-44: 9.5 million 45-54: 7.3 million 55-64: 4.5 million 65+: 3 million

16 Twitter understands your small business

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