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UNIT 3 UNIT 3 DYNAMIC MODELING Coming up: Interaction Diagrams.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 3 UNIT 3 DYNAMIC MODELING Coming up: Interaction Diagrams."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 3 UNIT 3 DYNAMIC MODELING Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

2 INTERACTIONS Interaction diagrams are defined by UML to emphasize the communication between objects, not the data manipulation associated with that communication. Interaction diagrams focus on specific messages between objects and how these messages come together to realize functionality. Interaction diagrams show exactly how those objects will realize it. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

3 You can show the details of an interaction using several different notations; however sequence diagrams are by far the most common. Other notations include interaction overviews, communication diagrams, timing diagrams Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

4 Sequence Diagrams


6 1. Participants Objects who participate in the communication.
Shown by a Rectangle.

7 EXAMPLE : Order Processing System : User ObjectName:ClassName

8 2. Lifeline Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

9 3. Messages Shown as a solid line pointing from the sender's lifeline to the receiver's lifeline.

10 3.1 Synchronous Message If a message represents synchronous communication ( meaning the sender waits for the receiver to process the message), You place a filled arrow head on the receiver's end.

11 3.2 Asynchronous Message If the message is an asynchronous message (meaning the sender doesn't wait for the receiver to process the message), You place an open arrowhead on the receiver's end of the line.

12 Types of Messages Class1 Class 2

13 3.3 Return values Using a dashed line with an open arrowhead.

14 Type of Message ::: Elements : Order Processing System : User
OrderItem (“UML in a Nutshell”) Confirmation Number

15 Summary of Messages

16 More About Scenario …. Sequence Diagrams show how objects interact with each other and the order of occurrence. They represent interactions for a particular scenario.

Refine and expand each use case…


19 Create / Destroy Objects:
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22 Found Message You show a found message by starting the message from a black circle rather than the sender's lifeline. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

23 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

24 The CircuitBreaker doesn't care where the power surge came from;
it must terminate the power in all conditions. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

25 Lost Message Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

26 4. EXECUTION OCCURRENCE You can show an object is involved in executing some type of action (typically a method call) for a measurable amount of time using an execution occurrence. Execution occurrences are shown as gray or white rectangles on a lifeline. In practice, it is common to hear execution occurrences called "focus of control," Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

27 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

28 5. STATE INVARIANT UML allows you to place labels along a lifeline to convey conditions that must be true for the remainder of the interaction to be valid. These conditions are called state invariants . State invariants are typically boolean expressions, Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

29 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

30 6. COMBINED FRAGMENT 1. Critical 2. Alt 3. Opt 4. Parallel 5. Loop
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31 Interaction Operator Combined Fragment Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

32 1. Critical You may have a critical region within your interaction where a set of method calls must execute atomically Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

33 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

34 2. Alt alternative interaction operator that models an if-else condition Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

35 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

36 3. Opt Options are interaction fragments that executes only if the guard condition is True. The interaction operator is opt. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

37 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

38 4. Break A break indicates that the associated interaction fragment operand should execute and then terminate the enclosing interaction. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

39 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

40 5. Parallel Parallel indicates that the associated interaction fragments may be merged and executed in parallel. The interaction operator is par. UML specifies that the actual interleaving of the event occurrences of the operands must be done in such a way that the ordering in the original operand is maintained. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

41 For example, if the first operand consists of: Step1 Step2 Step3
and the second consists of: StepA StepB StepC Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

42 they can be merged into: Step1 StepA StepB Step2 StepC Step3
but not into: Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

43 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

44 6. Loop A loop indicates that the contained event occurrences are to be executed some number of times. The interaction operator is loop. The notation for a loop includes a minimum and maximum number of times a loop should execute. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

45 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

46 6. COMBINED FRAGMENT 1. Critical 2. Alt 3. Opt 4. Parallel 5. Loop
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48 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

49 8. CONTINUATIONS Typically used with interaction references, continuations allow you to define different branches of an alternative interaction outside of the alternative itself. Only on those specific lifelines. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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51 Defining Behaviour of Continuation
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52 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

53 Expanding of the CONTINUATIONS
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54 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

55 Summary Quiz A sequence diagram is a type of __________ Diagram in UML
Sequence diagram shows a sequence of _______ exchanged between objects. A dashed line with arrow head denotes ________ in Sequence Diagrams. Is time ordering important in Sequence Diagrams? Is a Sequence Diagram related to a Use Case Diagram?

56 Case Study: 1 Develop the Sequence Diagram for the scenario “Withdraw cash” in ATM System. STEPS: Step1: Identify all the participating objects. Step 2: Identify the Leftmost object, draw all the objects with their lifelines. Step3: Identify and draw the sequence of messages between each pair of objects.

57 Sample Example User, ATM , Bank
Develop Sequence Diagram for the scenario “ Withdraw Money”

58 Case Study: 2 Develop a Sequence Diagram for the scenario : Issue a Book from the Library Management System

59 LECTURE STARTS 19 FEB 2018 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

60 Questions … Which diagram is modeled first – Use Case or Sequence?
Which diagram is modeled first – Class or Sequence? While modeling Sequence Diagrams, how can levels of abstraction be shown? How to decide the number of participants in Sequence Diagram?

Taught on the board. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

62 TIMING DIAGRAM Taught on the board. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

Taught on the board. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

State machine diagrams capture the behavior of a software system. State machines can be used to model the behavior of a class, subsystem, or entire application. They also provide an excellent way of modeling communications that occur with external entities via a protocol or event-based system. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

65 UML has two types of state machines: Behavioral state machines
Show the behavior of model elements such as objects. A behavioral state machine represents a specific implementation of an element. Protocol state machines Show the behavior of a protocol. Protocol state machines show how participants may trigger changes in a protocol's state and the corresponding changes in the system. Protocol state machines aren't typically tied to a particular implementation Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

66 8.1. Behavioral State Machines
State machine – Statechart Diagram (UML) Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

67 State machines represent the behavior of a piece of a system using graph notation.
A state machine is shown using the basic rectangle notation, with the name of the state machine shown in the top compartment. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

68 You can visualize a state machine in two ways:
by emphasizing the flow of control from activity to activity (using activity diagrams), or by emphasizing the potential states of the objects and the transitions among those states (using statechart diagrams). Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

69 A statechart diagram shows a state machine.
An activity diagram is a special case of a statechart diagram in which all or most of the states are activity states and all or most of the transitions are triggered by completion of activities in the source state. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

70 Thus, both activity and statechart diagrams are useful in modeling the lifetime of an object.
However, whereas an activity diagram shows flow of control from activity to activity, a statechart diagram shows flow of control from state to state. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

71 DEFINITIONS A state is a condition or situation in the life of an object during which it satisfies some condition, performs some activity, or waits for some event. An event is the specification of a significant occurrence that has a location in time and space. An event is an occurrence of a stimulus that can trigger a state transition. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

72 An activity is ongoing nonatomic execution within a state machine
A transition is a relationship between two states indicating that an object in the first state will perform certain actions and enter the second state when a specified event occurs and specified conditions are satisfied. An activity is ongoing nonatomic execution within a state machine Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

73 Example of states Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

74 Object and its lifetime
In the life of an object, it may be exposed to a variety of events, such as a signal, the invocation of an operation, the creation or destruction of the object, the passing of time, or the change in some condition. In response to these events, the object reacts with some action, which represents an atomic computation that results in a change in state of the object or the return of a value. The behavior of such an object is therefore affected by the past. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

75 An object may receive an event, respond with an action,
then change its state. An object may receive another event, and its response may be different, depending on its current state in response to the previous event. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

76 Example of states Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

77 You use state machines to model the behavior of any modeling element, although, most commonly, that will be a class, a use case, or an entire system. State machines may be visualized in two ways. First, using activity diagrams, you can focus on the activities that take place within the object. Second, using statechart diagrams, you can focus on the event-ordered behavior of an object, Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

78 In the UML, you model the event-ordered behavior of an object by using statechart diagrams.
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79 A statechart diagram shows a state machine, emphasizing the flow of control from state to state.
A state machine is a behavior that specifies the sequences of states an object goes through during its lifetime in response to events, together with its responses to those events Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

80 Statechart diagrams commonly contain
Graphically, a statechart diagram is a collection of vertices and arcs. Statechart diagrams commonly contain · Simple states and composite states · Transitions Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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82 UML USER GUIDE Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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84 For example, in a missile guidance system, you might want to explicitly announce the system is onTrack whenever it's in the Tracking state, and offTrack whenever it's out of the state Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

85 Advanced State Notation
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86 Whenever you enter the state,
its entry action is dispatched; whenever you leave the state, its exit action is dispatched Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

87 dispatching the state's exit and then entry actions
Internal Transitions Once inside a state, you'll encounter events you'll want to handle without leaving the state. These are called internal transitions, and they are subtly different from self-transitions. Whenever you are in the state and that event is triggered, the corresponding action is dispatched without leaving and then reentering the state. Therefore, the event is handledwithout dispatching the state's exit and then entry actions Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

88 Deferred Events That means that the event may occur, but it will be postponed and no action will result because of the presence of that event. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

89 Composite State / Substates
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90 ATM SYSTEM Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

91 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

92 A nested sequential state machine may have at most one initial state and one final
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93 History state Holds previous information. Shown by H
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94 Concurrent Substates Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

95 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

96 Execution of these two concurrent substates continues in parallel.
Eventually, each nested state machine reaches its final state. If one concurrent substate reaches its final state before the other, control in that substate waits at its final state. When both nested state machines reach their final state, control from the two concurrent substates joins back into one flow. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

97 If all concurrent substates reach their final state, or if there is an explicit transition out of the enclosing composite state, control joins back into one flow Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

98 Whenever there's a transition to a composite state decomposed into concurrent substates, control forks into as many concurrent flows as there are concurrent substates. Similarly, whenever there's a transition from a composite substate decomposed into concurrent substates, control joins back into one flow. This holds true in all cases. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

99 state machine for the controller in a home security system,
which is responsible for monitoring various sensors around the perimeter of the house Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

100 COMPOSITE STATE A composite state is a state with one or more regions. A region is simply a container for substates. A composite state with two or more regions is called orthogonal . A composite state may have an additional compartment called the decomposition compartment. A decomposition compartment is a detailed view of the composite state where you can show a composite state's regions, substates, and transitions. Figure 8-6 shows a composite state with a single region. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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115 3. Develop Sequence Diagram for Q1. Use advanced notations. (10 marks)
1.Develop the Use Case Diagram for Online Shopping Portal. Use advanced notations. (10 marks) 2.Develop a Class Diagram for a Car Rental System. Use advanced notations. (10marks) 3. Develop Sequence Diagram for Q1. Use advanced notations. (10 marks) Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

116 Note This is what distinguishes sequential substates and concurrent substates. Given two or more sequential substates at the same level, an object will be in one of those substates or the other. Given two or more concurrent substates at the same level, an object will be in a sequential state from each one of the concurrent substates. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

117 Execution of these two concurrent substates continues in parallel
Execution of these two concurrent substates continues in parallel. Eventually, each nested state machine reaches its final state. If one concurrent substate reaches its final state before the other, control in that substate waits at its final state. When both nested state machines reach their final state, control from the two concurrent substates joins back into one flow. Whenever there's a transition to a composite state decomposed into concurrent substates, control forks into as many concurrent flows as there are concurrent substates. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

118 Similarly, whenever there's a transition from a composite substate decomposed into concurrent substates, control joins back into one flow. This holds true in all cases. If all concurrent substates reach their final state, or if there is an explicit transition out of the enclosing composite state, control joins back into one flow. Note: A nested concurrent state machine does not have an initial, final, or history state. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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123 UML defines three types of states: Simple states
Simplest of all states, they have no substates. All the example states used so far in this section are simple states. Composite states Have one or more regions for substates. A composite state with two or more regions is called orthogonal Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

124 to the current state machine.
Submachine states Semantically equivalent to composite states, submachine states have substates that are contained within a substate machine . Unlike composite states, submachine states are intended to group states, so you can reuse them. Composite states are typically specific to the current state machine. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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126 ACTIVITY DIAGRAM Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

127 Activity modeling focuses on the execution and flow of the behavior of a system, rather than how it is assembled. Possibly more than any other UML diagram, activity diagrams apply to much more than just software modeling. They are applicable to just about any type of behavioral modeling; for example, business processes, software processes, or workflows. Activity diagrams capture activities that are made up of smaller actions . Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

128 When used for software modeling, activities typically represent a behavior invoked as a result of a method call. When used for business modeling, activities may be triggered by external events, such as an order being placed, or internal events, such as a timer to trigger the payroll process on Friday afternoons. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

129 An activity is a behavior that is factored into one or more actions.
An action represents a single step within an activity where data manipulation or processing occurs in a modeled system. "Single step" means you don't break down the action into smaller pieces in the diagram; it doesn't necessarily mean the action is simple or atomic. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

130 For example, actions can be: Mathematical functions
Calls to other behaviors Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

131 Sending order information to a shipping partner
Translating these into real examples, you can use actions to represent: Calculating sales tax Sending order information to a shipping partner Generating a list of items that need to be reordered because of low inventory Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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133 actions inside of an activity.
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136 Pre and Post conditions apply to the entire Activity.
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138 An action may have local pre- and postconditions that should hold true before the action is invoked and after it has completed, respectively Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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142 Parameter Nodes You can represent parameters to an activity or output from an executed activity as parameter nodes. You show a parameter node as a rectangle on the boundary of an activity, with the name or description of the parameter inside the rectangle., and paper being produced at the end. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

143 Input parameter nodes have edges to the first action, and output parameter nodes have edges coming from the final action to the parameter node. Figure shows an example of wood being fed into a paper production activity Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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145 Object Node Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

146 Pins Pins provide a shorthand notation for input to or output from an action. You show a pin using the same rectangle as for object nodes, except the rectangle is small and attached to the side of its action. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

147 Figure shows the Create Parts diagram rewritten using pins.
If it is an input pin, any edges leading into the action should point to the input pin; if it is an output pin, any edges leaving the action should leave from the pin. Figure shows the Create Parts diagram rewritten using pins. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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152 Decision Node A decision node is a control node that chooses different output flows based on boolean expressions. Each decision node has one input edge and multiple outgoing edges. When data arrives at the decision node, a single outgoing edge is selected, and the data is sent along that edge. itself. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

153 A decision node usually selects an edge by evaluating each outgoing edge's guard condition.
A guard condition is a boolean expression that tests some value visible to the activity, typically an attribute of the owning classifier or the data token Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

154 Guard conditions aren't guaranteed to be evaluated in any particular order, and a decision node allows only one outgoing edge to be selected. You should take care to design your models so that only one guard condition ever evaluates to true for a given set of data, to prevent race conditions. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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157 Merge Node A merge node is effectively the opposite of a decision node; it brings together alternate flows into a single output flow. It doesn't synchronize multiple concurrent flows Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

158 A merge node has multiple incoming edges and a single outgoing edge.
A merge node simply takes any tokens offered on any of the incoming edges and makes them available on the outgoing edge. You show a merge node using the same diamond you use in a decision node, except with multiple incoming edges and a single outgoing edge. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

159 Figure shows how a potential new hire's information may be submitted to Human Resources for processing Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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163 Lecture 19 Feb 2.30pm Activity Final Node Flow Final Node
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164 Join node with specification
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There are times when it is helpful to indicate who (or what) is responsible for a set of actions in an activity diagram. For example, if you are modeling a business process, you can divide an activity diagram by the office or employee responsible for a set of actions. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

167 You split an activity diagram using an activity partition .
Show an activity partition with two parallel lines, either horizontal or vertical, called swimlanes , with the name of the partition in a box at one end. Place all nodes that execute within the partition between the two lines. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

168 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

169 Swimlanes Horizontal or Vertical Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

170 Exception Handling UML 2.0 activity diagrams provide support for modeling exception handling. An exception is an error condition that occurs during the execution of an activity. An exception is said to be thrown by the source of the error and caught when it is handled. You can specify that an action can catch an exception by defining an exception handler . Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

171 The exception handler defines the type of exception, and a behavior to execute when that particular exception is caught Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

172 If an exception occurs while an action is executing, the execution is abandoned and there is no output from the action. If the action has an exception handler , the handler is executed with the exception information. When the exception handler executes, its output is available to the next action after the protected node, as though the protected node had finished execution. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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174 Expansion Region You can show that an action, or set of actions, executes over a collection of input data by placing the actions in an expansion region . Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

175 For example, if you had an action named Check Out Books that checked each of the provided books out of a library, you can model the checkout book action using an expansion region, with a collection of books as input. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

176 You show an expansion region using a dashed rectangle, with rounded corners surrounding the actions that should execute for each piece of input data. Place a row of four input pins on the dashed boundary to represent a collection of data coming into the region. You show a line with an arrow to the row of input pins, and then from the input pins to the input pin of the first internal action. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

177 region. Figure 9-31 shows the Check Out Book expansion region.
Likewise, you show a row of four output pins on the dashed boundary, with edges coming from the last action's output pin to the row of four output pins on the region. Figure 9-31 shows the Check Out Book expansion region. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

178 The use of four input pins simply represents a collection of input data; it doesn't specify how much data is actually presented to the expansion region. The region executes for each piece of data in the collection and, assuming there are no errors, offers one piece of output data from each execution. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

179 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

180 You can use the keywords «parallel», «iterative», or «stream» to indicate if the executions
of the expansion region can occur concurrently (parallel), sequentially (iterative), or continuously (stream). Place the keyword in the upper left of the expansion region Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

181 Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

182 LOOPING need to interpret diagrams written by others.
UML 2.0 in a Nutshell from O'Reilly feels your pain. It's been crafted for professionals like you who must read, create, and understand system artifacts expressed using UML. Furthermore, it's been fully revised to cover version 2.0 of the language. This comprehensive new edition not only provides a quick-reference to all UML 2.0 diagram types, it also explains key concepts in a way that appeals to readers already familiar with UML or object-oriented programming concepts. Topics include: The role and value of UML in projects The object-oriented paradigm and its relation to the UML An integrated approach to UML diagrams Class and Object, Use Case, Sequence, Collaboration, Statechart, Activity, Component, and Deployment Diagrams Extension Mechanisms The Object Constraint Language (OCL) If you're new to UML, a tutorial with realistic examples has even been included to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the system. soon as they are available. Figure Activity dialog with a streaming region Looping UML 2.0 defines a construct to model looping in activity diagrams. A loop node has three subregions: setup, body, and test. The test subregion may be evaluated before or after the body subregion. The setup subregion executes only once, when first entering the loop; the test and body sections execute each time through the loop until the test subregion evaluates to false. The specification gives no suggested notation for loop nodes, however you can improvise one using activity regions. Conceptually, a loop node looks like Figure 9-33. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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185 Streaming An action is said to be streaming if it can produce output while it is processing input. For example, an action representing a compression algorithm can take audio input data from a streamed input and send compressed audio along a streamed output. You indicate that an action is streaming its input and output by placing the keyword stream in braces ({}) near the edges coming in and out of an action. Figure 9-35 shows an example audio encoding that is streaming data. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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188 DataStore Node A data store node is a special type of node that copies all data that passes through it. For example, you can insert a data store node in your activity diagram to indicate that all interactions are logged to an external database, or that when an article is submitted for review, it is automatically stored in a searchable archive. Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

189 You show a data store node as a stereotyped version of an object node
You show a data store node as a stereotyped version of an object node. Show the node as a rectangle, and place the keyword «datastore» above the name of the node Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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Notations of Activity in UML in a nutshell UML user guide Coming up: Interaction Diagrams

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198 Lab Assignments: 1. For every Use Case Diagram:
Develop an Activity Diagram Develop a Sequence Diagram


200 End…..

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