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8. Asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and anaphylaxis

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1 8. Asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and anaphylaxis
Signs and symptoms What are they? Treatment

2 Asthma What is it? Signs /symptoms Treatment
Bronchus and bronchiole constriction Air cannot leave the lungs so new air cannot enter Not being able to speak in sentences (999) Wheezing (exhaling especially) Distress/anxiety Blue skin, prominent neck veins Inhaler (for conscious casualties) – help them – if it doesn’t ease call 999 Calm and reassure Sit down and lean forward over a chair backwards

3 Diabetes What is it? Signs /symptoms Treatment (assume “hypo”) Inability to control blood sugar (lack of insulin or none, or it doesn’t work) TYPE 1 – INJECTS INSULIN TYPE 2 – DIET CONTROLLED Balance between food and work as this affects blood sugar Usually symptoms come from hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) Stumbling, weakness, feeling faint Slurred speech Pale, cold, sweaty skin Rapid, strong pulse Loss of consciousness and collapse Possible coma and death Give sugar (sweets, sugar, dextrose) Sit down or lie down and rest If they don’t get better with sugar, call 999 as it might be hyperglycaemia DO NOT EVER INJECT A PATIENT WITH INSULIN Diabetics are prone to nerve problems and poor circulation so wound healing can be slow and sometimes they wont notice things like blisters forming

4 Epilepsy What is it? Signs /symptoms Treatment
Abnormal electrical activity in the brain affecting: Consciousness Behaviour Emotions Sensations Motor functions FOCUS SEIZURE – part of the brain TONIC-CLONIC SEIZURE – whole brain Collapse Rigidity then convulsions (tonic-clonic) Salivating and clenched jaw Loss of bladder/bowel control After they will be very tired/sleepy and will regain consciousness (responsiveness) Protect them from further harm – cushion etc., protect the head if you can Don’t anything I their mouth or try to open their airway After a seizure, put in the SAP NOTE THE LENGTH OF SEIZURE CALL 999 IF It lasts more than 5 minutes It is their first ever seizure Has more than one after the other It is a result of an injury Reasons for seizures Epilepsy Head/brain injury (eg. stroke) Brain tumour Infection Hypoglycaemia Poisoning Hyperhtermia Caridac arrest Hypoxia Triggers Lack of food Lack of sleep Alcohol Stress Flickering lights

5 Not as serious, but what about fainting?
Slow pulse, pale and cold skin, sweating Lie them down and raise their legs – fresh air Reassure

6 Anaphylaxis What is it? Signs /symptoms Treatment
Serious allergic reaction – can be fatal and very quick onset Overproduction of histamine – dilates blood vessels, bp drop, constriction of airways (why would your body normally do this?) Anxiety Swelling of face, eyes, neck Blotchy read skin Breathing difficulty Rapid pulse CALL 999 IMMEDIATELY Inject with adrenalin (epi-pen) - Hold the sides, not the end. Thrust into the thigh (through clothes) Hold in position for up to 10 seconds Slowly remove If symptoms don’t subside within 5 minutes, give a 2nd injection (new one)

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