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Year 9 trip to Berlin 2019.

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1 Year 9 trip to Berlin 2019

2 STAFF Mr. Holdsworth (Trip Leader) – Assistant Head and school Educational Visits Coordinator Mrs Sewell – Teaching School Administrator, former Administrator for Educational visits. Mrs Jackson – Teacher of MFL – Fluent German speaker

3 Overview A notably safe and friendly city, with a superb public transport system, Berlin is much loved by school groups. With its powerful history, evocative landmarks and expressive style, Berlin offers an immensely rewarding and diverse learning experience. The city was the exciting heart of social and artistic culture until the Nazis decried the city as a haven of vice and introduced its radical regime. Witness the concentration camp destination for Berlin's Jewish population. See remnants of the Wall with contemporary funky graffiti and remember how Berlin was split in two. Despite serious bombing in WWII Berlin's famous landmarks have been rebuilt highlighting a peaceful optimistic future.

4 TRAVEL ITINERARY Monday 10th June 00:30 Depart School
03:30 Arrive Manchester Airport – Easyjet 03:40 Check in 06:40 Depart Easyjet Flight EZY1897 09:40 Arrive Berlin Tegel Friday 14th June 06:00 Airport transfer from Hotel 07:10 Flight Check in 10:10 Depart on Flight EZY1898 11:15 Arrive Manchester 11:45 Depart Manchester Airport 14:30 Arrive in school

5 Daily Itinerary Monday 10th June 10.15 Airport transfer to Hotel Lunch
Hotel: ALETTO HOTEL & HOSTEL KUDAMM 4 Nights - Half Board Basis HARDENBERGSTRASE 21 10623 BERLIN GERMANY Tel: Fax: Lunch 16.00 Walking Tour of Berlin 19.30 Evening meal at the Hotel

6 Daily Itinerary Tuesday 11th June 10.30 Holocaust Memorial Guided Tour
12.30 Packed lunch in the Tiergarten 13.30 Zoo Berlin and Sony Centre 19.00 Meal out at a local Berlin Restaurant

7 Daily Itinerary Wednesday 12th June
10.00 Alexanderplatz and TV Tower Berlin 13.30 Packed Lunch 14.30 Reichstag 16.30 Mall of Berlin 19.00 Evening meal in a local restaurant

8 Daily Itinerary Thursday 13th June
10.00 SCHOKO-KREATIV-FABRIK – Chocolate Factory 12.00 Lunch 13.30 KADEWE Warehouse 15.30 KU'DAMM – Shopping Street 18.30 Evening Meal at a local restaurant 20.00 Berolina Bowling Lounge

9 What will you need? Shoes/trainers comfortable for walking
Clothing suitable for layering and not too ‘revealing’! Waterproof jacket Empty Water bottle Towels x 2 Sun cream and sun hat Passport/EHIC if not handed in Medication Money (parental discretion Euro and £10-20)

10 Conduct and Behaviour Visits to a Foreign country requires us all to get on well, listen carefully and trust each other. Need to be responsible. Always stay in groups of 3 or 4, don’t go anywhere on your own No Smoking, Drinking High expectations for good manners and respect

11 Medication/ Personal Items
Changes to medical details – please see a member of staff All inhalers and any other medication MUST be remembered and checked before departure. Valuables are taken at owner’s risk and are unlikely to be covered on school insurance.


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