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The Respiratory System

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1 The Respiratory System

2 What is Respiration? O2 + C6H12O6  CO2 + H2O
Respiration is a series of chemical reactions that release energy stored in food molecules. Respiration is the following equation O2 + C6H12O6  CO2 + H2O Where do we get the O2 from? Where do we get the C6H12O6 from?

3 How do we get the oxygen? We get the oxygen needed for respiration from our respiratory system. Our respiratory system is a collection of organs which help us breathe and deliver oxygen to the cells in our body.

4 Air’s Passage Air enters the body through your nostrils. Tiny hairs called cilia trap dust and pollen with the help of mucus.

5 Air’s Passage Air then passes through your pharynx. The pharynx is also used by food and liquids. The epiglottis is located at the end of your pharynx to prevent foods/liquids from entering your airway.

6 Trivia: What was the first land animals to have vocal cords?
Air’s Passage Air then moves to the larynx, which contains your vocal cords. Trivia: What was the first land animals to have vocal cords? Vocal Cord Video

7 Trachea Video! Air’s Passage
Next is the trachea, which is made of strong rings of cartilage to prevent it from collapsing. It is also lined with mucus to prevent foreign invaders. Trachea Video!

8 Air’s Passage The trachea branches off into two short tubes known as bronchi. These bronchi branch into smaller and smaller tubes. The smallest tubes are known as bronchioles.

9 Air’s Passage At the end of the bronchioles are tiny, thin walled sacs called alveoli. These sacs are arranged in grapelike clusters. Why do the alveoli sacs need to be thin walled?

10 Air’s Passage The lungs surround the alveoli. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place between the alveoli and capillaries. Carbon Dioxide moves into the alveoli so it can be breathed out. It was used in respiration and is a waste product Oxygen moves out of alveoli, so it can move to the cell for respiration

11 Air’s Passage Respiration Video
Oxygen is picked up by hemoglobin. This is found in your red blood cells, which are inside your capillaries. The red blood cells also “drop off” carbon dioxide, which is a waste product from respiration. Respiration Video

12 HOW Big can your lungs get?
Air’s Passage The lungs act as the containers for the air you breathe in. Your right lung has three lobes. Your left lung has two lobes. HOW Big can your lungs get?

13 Label the Respiratory Organs
Nose Pharynx Larynx Cartilage Trachea Bronchi Lungs

14 Take a deep breath right now. Feel your lungs expand and contract.
Breathing In order to take in the oxygen from the air, you must breathe. Take a deep breath right now. Feel your lungs expand and contract.

15 Breathe To help assist with your breathing, you have a diaphragm. It is a muscle located under your rib cage. When you breathe in, your diaphragm is pushed down. When you breathe out, your diaphragm is pushed up.

16 Respiratory Diseases Lung Cancer

17 Respiratory Diseases Chronic Bronchitis

18 Respiratory Diseases Emphysema

19 Respiratory Diseases Asthma

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