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C. Carnevale1, G. Finzi1, E. Pisoni1, P. Thunis2, M. Volta1

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Presentation on theme: "C. Carnevale1, G. Finzi1, E. Pisoni1, P. Thunis2, M. Volta1"— Presentation transcript:

1 C. Carnevale1, G. Finzi1, E. Pisoni1, P. Thunis2, M. Volta1
The impact of thermodynamic module on the CTM performances: a case study in Northern Italy C. Carnevale1, G. Finzi1, E. Pisoni1, P. Thunis2, M. Volta1 1Dept. of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy 2European commission, DG JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability

2 Outlines The GAMES modelling system The TCAM model
ISORROPIA/SCAPE2 Thermodynamic modules Case Study PM10 performance impact PM10 chemical composition impact Conclusion

3 GAMES: Gas Aerosol Modelling Evaluation System
Land use Topography Emission inventories MM5 output PROMETEO POEM-PM Temporal Profiles 3D wind and temperature fields Turbolence and Boundary Layer parameters Emission Fields Boundary and Initial condition TCAM VOC /PM speciation Profiles 3D concentration fields BOUNDY An air quality modelling system is composed by (i) a meteorological preprocessor, simulating the wind and temperature fields and the turbulence parameters over the domain, (ii) an emission processor, estimating emission fields for the emitted species alternative emission scenarios, (iii) a photochemical model that describes the transport and the chemical transformations taking place in the atmosphere. System Evaluation Tool EMEP output

4 Vertical Transport Deposition
TCAM: overview TCAM Horizontal Transport Vertical Transport Deposition Gas phase chemistry Aerosol module 3D wind and temperature fields Turbolence and Boundary Layer parameters 3D concentration fields Boundary and Initial condition Emission Fields An air quality modelling system is composed by (i) a meteorological preprocessor, simulating the wind and temperature fields and the turbulence parameters over the domain, (ii) an emission processor, estimating emission fields for the emitted species alternative emission scenarios, (iii) a photochemical model that describes the transport and the chemical transformations taking place in the atmosphere.

5 TCAM: Overview Eulerian 3D model Transport Module:
Horizontal: Chapeau Function + Forester Filter Vertical: Crank-Nicholson hybrid solver based on the vertical diffusivity coefficient Deposition Module: Wet&Dry Gas Chemistry: SAPRC97 IEH solver Aerosol: Condensation/Evaporation, Nucleation, Aqueous chemistry (SO2) 21 species, 10 size classes ISORROPIA/SCAPE2 thermodynamic module

6 Thermodynamic module comparison
Feature SCAPE2 ISORROPIA-II Chemical species NO3-, NH4+, SO4=, Na+, Cl-, Ca+, K+, Mg Activity coefficients Pitzer (multicomponent) Zdanovskii, Robinson and Stokes (water) Bromley/Precomputed table Temperature dependance Equilibrium constants, DRHs Equilibrium constants, DRHs, activity coefficients Solution of thermodynamic equilibrium Bisectional Analitical/Bisectional

7 Simulation domain 95x62 cells 11 vertical layer up to 4000 mt a.g.l.;
6x6 km POMI exercise

8 Performance Comparison: PM10 Mean Value
Summer Year Winter

9 Performance Comparison: PM10 Monthly Trend

10 Performance Comparison: PM10 NMAE
Summer Year Winter

11 Performance Comparison: PM10 Taylor Diagram
Summer Year Winter * TCAM_ISO + TCAM_SCAPE

12 Inorganic ion evaluation
Station Summer Winter Bosco Fontana* 27 14 Brescia 26 17 Saronno 25 Varese 24 32 * No NH4+ data

13 Performance Comparison: NO3- NMAE
Summer Winter

14 Performance Comparison: SO4= NMAE
Summer Winter

15 Performance Comparison: NH4+ NMAE
Summer NME-Summer Winter

16 Conclusions PM10 INORGANICS
Mean Value: Similar results (underestimation of measured PM10). NMAE/Correlation: remarkable differences (SUMMER!), with better performaces obtained through ISORROPIA. INORGANICS SCAPE2: (quite) large overestimation of NH4+. NMAE is lower for ISORROPIA but too few data to state a general behavior!

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