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Implementation of the WFD on coastal and transitional waters in France

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1 Implementation of the WFD on coastal and transitional waters in France
Franck BRUCHON Seine Normandy Water Agency

2 Definition of waterbodies
Creation of specific working group for C&T waters in july 2001 System B + bottom-up approach Coastal waters : obligatory factors + wave exposure + substrate composition Transitional waters: obligatory factors (in a first step) Study of pertinence and data accessibility for each factor, at national scale

3 State of data availability

4 Salinity Definition Causes of variability Measurements Models
Amount of salts per kg of water (average 35 to 37 ‰) Causes of variability Marker of freshwater inputs (1 ‰ decrease  3% freshwater) Evaporation in very confined zones (lagoons) Measurements RNO, REPHY databases…. Advantages : rapidly accessible data Drawbacks: uncomplete coverage of the coast, poor description of variability Models Advantages : good coverage and description of variability Drawbacks: validation to be conducted

5 Salinity (spatial variability)
Atlantic coast Bay of Lannion Effects of large estuaries (Loire, Gironde, Adour) Local effects (Douron, Leguer, Yar…..)

6 Salinity (temporal variability)
Measurements north of Oléron island Model results

7 Definition of waterbodies
Factors: latitude x longitude x salinity (mean; std. dev.) x tidal range (incl. use of numerical models) mixing characteristics x transport conditions (residual tidal and wind-induced currents) x interaction with the bottom (wave exposure, maxi current velocity, susbstrate composition ) Method testing on Seine Normandy coast (Channel) and Mediterranean sea Methodological improvement/adjustments Application to all French transitional and coastal waters Results expected in spring 2002 Preliminary approaches: LB: 18 sectors ; 88 zones SN: 8 sectors ; 21 zones RMC : 50 zones estimated Total for all France : zones Grouping of certain zones considered to avoid reaching a too large amount of zones Taking into consideration pressures of human activities on the defined zones -sub-dividing or regrouping defined zones

8 Artificial and Heavily modified waters
A methodological document A test-application on Seine Normandy coast (simultaneously to the waterbodies definition test)

9 Protected areas List and cartography of all protected areas, considering the different types and levels of protection RAMSAR, SPZ, Natural reserves, national parks…. Human activities areas: bathing, shellfarming… Method testing on 2 coasts : outh brittany and east Mediterranea Method improvement for national application

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