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Energy Statistics Compilers Manual

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1 Energy Statistics Compilers Manual
Expert Group Meeting on Energy Statistics New York, 2-5 November 2010

2 ESCM vs IRES The Energy Statistics Compilers Manual (ESCM) is an integral part of the preparation process of IRES IRES provides recommendations on basic concepts, definitions and classifications as well as data sources, data compilation strategies, energy balances, data quality and statistical dissemination The ESCM is expected to provide additional and practical guidance to countries in the implementation of IRES and the SEEA-E

3 The ESCM will contain descriptions of best practices and additional technical information relevant to stages of the statistical process: legal and institutional arrangements data collection from various sources data compilation assessment of quality data dissemination. ESCM promotes an integrated approach to compilation of basic statistics enabling countries to collect data once and use them many times for various purposes.

4 Preparation process Feb 2009 – a draft outline of the ESCM was discussed by the Oslo Group Nov 2010 – review of the outline by the EGM on Energy Statistics – collection of country practices OG 6 and OG 7 – review of provisional drafts of the ESCM the ESCM is expected to be finalized in 2012

5 In 2007, UNSD reviewed the work for the revision of the existing UN publications on energy stat. and decided that enough momentum had been created for the development of international recommendations for energy statistics In 2009 the UN Commission endorsed the UNSD strategy for the preparation of IRES

6 Outline Chapter 1: Conceptual framework Chapter 2: Legal foundations and institutional arrangements Chapter 3: Data compilation – general issues Chapter 4: Compilation of data on stocks and flows of selected energy products Chapter 5: Compilation of data on activities of the energy sector Chapter 6: Compilation of energy balances Chapter 7: Compilation of energy accounts

7 Chapter 8: Compilation of energy indicators Chapter 9: Energy statistics and calculation of Greenhouse gas emission inventories Chapter 10: Compilation of metadata Chapter 11: Quality assurance programmes Chapter 12: Data and metadata dissemination Bibliography Annexes Index

8 The Expert Group on Energy Statistics is invited to: (i) provide comments on this outline (ii) indicate priorities (iii) identify additional issues that should be covered by such a manual.

9 Thank you!

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