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Workshop: Resources for research and evidence use

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop: Resources for research and evidence use"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop: Resources for research and evidence use
14th March 2019 Pearson, The Strand, London

2 Welcome and introduction LSRN event planning group

3 This event was made possible by a small grant from the Education and Training Foundation It is hosted by Pearson Organisation was by NFER in liaison with Pearson. ETF logo

4 Research use and the resources to support it
Andrew Morris Anne Thompson Co-organisers LSRN

5 National Foundation for Educational Research
The Research Cycle Tami McCrone Senior Researcher National Foundation for Educational Research

6 The research cycle Presentation for LSRN workshop 14th March 2019
Tami McCrone, Senior Research Manager, NFER Restricted

7 Research-informed practice (RIP) and Evidence-informed practice (EIP)
Restricted Research-informed practice (RIP) and Evidence-informed practice (EIP)

8 What do we know about RIP in schools?
Restricted What do we know about RIP in schools?

9 How important is research evidence for schools?
Restricted How important is research evidence for schools? Nelson, J., Mehta, P., Sharples, J. and Davey, C. (2015). Measuring Teachers' Research Engagement: findings from a pilot study. EEF: London, p.9.

10 How can RIP in schools be supported?
Restricted How can RIP in schools be supported?

11 Research cycle Restricted Identify your research question(s)
Carry out scoping exercise and refine question(s) Define your parameters Select appropriate methodology Analyse data and write up Impact and evaluation

12 Restricted Types of research Descriptive: e.g. analysis of pre-existing evidence (literature review) or a qualitative study. Comparative: e.g. users v non users or before and after study Causal: e.g. randomised control trial

13 Thanks for your attention!
Restricted Thanks for your attention! Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out about NFER’s resources for schools, or our research on school research engagement

14 Evidence for excellence in education
© National Foundation for Educational Research 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission of NFER. The Mere, Upton Park, Slough, Berks SL1 2DQ T: +44 (0) • F: +44 (0) •

15 Six brief demonstrations
The range of resources Six brief demonstrations

16 Micro Enquiry Resources
Bart Crisp Curee

17 CUREE’s approach to supporting practitioner engagement with resources is underpinned by some core principles: Any research resource is fundamentally a CPDL instrument, and should conform to evidence about effective CPDL design Resources should have a consistent structure to provide coherence to CPDL experiences Research finding Method for observing the principle in action in a classroom/comparable context Implications for practice Link to source plus related thinking Treated as input as well as output – summarises research findings but also encourages practitioners to generate more data themselves (hence “micro-enquiry”)

18 A Sneak Peek

19 Centre for the Use of Research Evidence in Education (CUREE)
Centre for the Use of Research Evidence in Education (CUREE) 3, The Quadrant Coventry CV1 2DY

20 Early Career Researchers Network
Carmen Nicoara The Edge Foundation

21 Edge’s Programme for Early Career Researchers
Aim: to create more opportunities for PhD students and early career researchers to develop expertise in the area of technical and professional education in order to build a growing pool of capacity and talent for the future. What does the programme include? How does it work? Sponsor PhD students Plan to sponsor one collaborative Ph.D. student/year in the next 3 years Edge and EE joint conference bursary Conference support available through competitive tender Offer policy up-date Share experiences and progress Network RPCE 2018 (symposium and early career bursaries) Gather and make relevant dissertations publically available. Conference bursaries Research Network Sponsored conferences Ph.D. dissertation depository on Edge’s website

22 The Teaching & Learning Toolkit
Eleanor Stringer Education Endowment Foundation

23 This is the whole toolkit
This is the whole toolkit .I know that you can’t read this but we like to show it, altogether Just to emphasise that this is it. Here, on one page, is a robust summary of the best available educational research There are thousands of studies captured in the toolkit You can go deeper into the research of course (toolkit second page) But you can also compare at this top level. NB: this captures all the educational research – it certainly does not capture everything there is to know about teaching.

24 The impact of digital technology
One research summary in the Toolkit Average impact = 4 months And you can do the same for the approaches in the toolkit. This illustrates that approach for the digital technology toolkit entry The dots represent each study Where the dot is on the line shows how much of a positive or negative impact it found for digital technology The orange line represents the average in the toolkit. Negative impact Positive impact

25 Digging deeper To help with this, the toolkit contains more detailed information on each approach. This is the page for Classroom assistants (in England we call them Tas)

26 Practitioner Research Programme
Charlynne Pullen Education and Training Foundation

27 Hereford College of Arts
R&D Toolkit Sarah Crowson Hereford College of Arts

28 Supporting Research-Informed Practice
Tami McCrone National Foundation for Educational Research

29 Self-review Tool Restricted

30 ‘How to’ guides Restricted

31 Thanks for your attention!
Restricted Thanks for your attention! Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out about NFER’s resources for schools, or our research on school research engagement

32 Red dot - Conference room Blue dot - Conference room
Discussion groups Red dot - Conference room Blue dot - Conference room Green dot – Glass room Lunch to 13.30

33 Group discussions What is your response to the resources demonstrated?
How might you use them and what else would you look for?

34 12.45 Lunch Reconvene 13.30

35 Making resources useful and accessible
Norman Crowther National Official for Post 16 Education National Education Union

36 Encouraging the creation and use of resources
Norman Crowther Encouraging the creation and use of resources

37 Preparing for the discussion groups
Insolvency laws FE classified by ONS as ‘private sector’ Reinstates funding for learner (2013) (not outcomes) Student loans for 24+ learners (currently failing to encourage learners) Apprenticeship levy on employers introduced 2017 (currently failing to increase training) Expanding ‘providers’ eg UTCs (currently failing to be sustainable)



40 External events (researchmeets)
State policy Management team Trade unions CPD External events (researchmeets)

41 Strategy Research Teaching and Learning Logistics


43 The stages of the research cycle
Ways of introducing the research cycle Research design Implications of research design Use and abuse of research NtN (and local?) capacity for supporting research


45 Thank you for taking part.

46 Red dot - Conference room Blue dot - Conference room
Discussion groups Red dot - Conference room Blue dot - Conference room Green dot – Glass room Plenary to 15.30

47 Group discussions How can the NtN website be developed to support:
the range of users the stages of the research cycle and the different models of research? How should the website be structured?

48 Plenary Feedback Synthesis Next steps

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