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Warm Up.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up

2 Warm Up Using the mRNA codon diagram determine what amino acids would match the following codons? UGG GAC CAU UCG

3 What happens when there are changes in genetics?
Mutations Notes What happens when there are changes in genetics?

4 Mutations Mutations are changes in DNA that affect genetic information- may be lethal, harmful, helpful, or have no effect on an organism Example: inserting an incorrect base or skipping a nucleotide

5 Mutations Two Type of Mutations Gene mutations
Changes in 1 single gene Chromosome mutations Changes in whole chromosome

6 Gene Mutations There are different types of gene mutations
1st type is called a Point Mutation These are when only 1 nucleotide is affected. Example: Substitution When 1 nucleotide is substitute for another This only tends to alter 1 amino acid


8 Gene Mutations cont Another point mutation is Insertion
When an extra base/nucleotide is added The last type of point mutation is Deletion When a base/nucleotide is removed Insertion and Deletion are Frameshift Mutations This affects much more than 1 amino acid, it affects all amino acids after the mutation!

9 Gene Mutations cont Substitution Insertion Deletion

10 Chromosome Mutations There are four types of Chromosome Mutations
Deletion When part of the chromosome is lost or removed Duplication When part of the chromosome repeats itself Inversion When part of the chromosome gets reversed Translocation When part of one chromosome trades places with part of another chromosome.

11 Chromosome Mutations Cont.
Deletion Duplication Inversion Translocation


13 Homework Define vocabulary words on your learning targets sheet. Try to use multiple words in each sentence.

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