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Mon autoportrait – Comment je me vois

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Presentation on theme: "Mon autoportrait – Comment je me vois"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mon autoportrait – Comment je me vois
Big Overview Objective: to describe yourself and other people - to describe personality - to describe hair and eyes to use high frequency words to give more details 1

2 Think about how you would describe these famous people in French
il est? elle est? il est?

3 Mon autoportrait – Comment je me vois
Big Overview Aujourd’hui: to revise how and why adjectives change in French to learn important high frequency words Practising reading and writing French 3

4 What do these words mean in English?
High Frequency Words Très very Assez quite Aussi also Et and

5 Studio 1 page 13 Ex 4 Ex 5 Reading out loud

6 Vrai (True) ou Faux (False)? Surya is kind. Surya is very polite
Studio 1 page Ex 5 Vrai (True) ou Faux (False)? Surya is kind. Surya is very polite Surya is not impatient. Suya likes pop music. Surya likes dance. Surya likes rap. Reading out loud

7 Ex 6 – Writing about yourself and your friend

8 Les Devoirs (Homework)
Tuesday 5 September Ask someone at home to help you practise saying and remembering your words

9 Masculine Feminine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 charmant charmante
Masculine Feminine 1 charmant charmante 2 impatient impatiente 3 intelligent intelligente 4 cool 5 curieux curieuse 6 généreux généreuse 7 branché branchée 8 drôle 9 modeste 10 aimable 11 gentil gentille

10 Read round the room

11 Not very modest but quite intelligent
Who is : Not very modest but quite intelligent Very curious and very funny. Very modest and also likeable Amusing but also very serious Not very charming but is generous Kind and quite shy. Quite generous but not very intelligent. Not very serious but charming. Roundthe room reading

12 Who is: Not very modest but quite intelligent HENRI Very curious and very funny. MARIE Very modest and also likeable MARC Amusing but also very serious SARAH Not very charming but is generous PIERRE Kind but quite shy. ROBERT Quite generous but not very intelligent. LUCY Not very serious but charming JEAN

13 Can you write out these sentences in french?
I am funny and likeable I am quite serious and very shy I am not modest but I am generous I am trendy and I am also charming

14 Devoirs: Tuesday 12 September
Write out 3 sentences describing your personality. Use the words you have been learning.

15 Je suis charmant/charmante Je suis curieux/curieuse Je suis drôle
Tu es comment? Je suis modeste Je suis charmant/charmante Je suis curieux/curieuse Je suis drôle Je suis branchée Je suis aimable Language police

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