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Chapter 14: Technology in Physical Education and Health Education

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1 Chapter 14: Technology in Physical Education and Health Education
By: Stefanie Richards Jennifer Patterson Ashley Rinehart Rebecca Alfaro

2 Current problems in physical education and Health Education
Marginalization of Health and Physical Education Schools are focused on meeting standards in content subjects and so it takes away from health education The taking away of physical education causes problems with children's cognitive functioning, proper nutrition, self-concept, self-esteem and prosocial skills. Experts recommend that children should participate in: 50 hours of health instruction a year. 150 minutes of physical instruction a week for grades K-5 225 minutes of physical instruction a week for grades 6-12 A solution to this problem can be to teach multiple subjects together and use more hands-on and visual types of learning styles.

3 Handling Controversial Health Issues
What You Need to Know Lack of Motivation Many children today play video games and spend more time watching television then anything else This can affect children's motor development and their health These children need to be motivated to do some sort of physical activity Handling Controversial Health Issues Including to much information can water down a topic and make it less effective When dealing with controversial issues you can use videos or well-chosen websites to help in the teaching process

4 Physical Education Standards Health Education Standards
Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms. Applies movement concepts and principle to the learning and development of motor skills. Exhibits a physically active lifestyle. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings. Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings. Health Education Standards Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention. Students will demonstrate that ability to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks Students will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology, and other factors on health. Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting and decision-making skills to enhance health. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.

5 Technology to Support Improvements in Fitness
Technology Devices to help improve fitness: Tread mill Stair steppers Stationary bikes These devices used in combination with monitors can show students the results of their efforts. Other monitors can measure many aspects of activity. Electronic blood pressure device Body composition analyzer Spirometers (measures different health and fitness aspects) Other electronic fitness portfolios can aide children in measuring their efforts such as: Health Related Fitness Tutorial/Portfolio and Muscle Flash

6 Technology to Develop and Improve Motor Skill Performance
Palm computers help physical educators organize information towards each students personal goals on motor skill improvement. Electric portfolios put students in charge of their own progress in monitoring, recording, analyzing their performances. Digital video cameras are important in replaying the activity the students accomplished so they can see immediate feedback. Due to the speed of so movements slow motion and freeze-frame are important features. ESPN has also launched a website designed for teachers and students that includes video clip, and educational games that support student learning and activity.

7 Technology to Improve Students’ Beliefs and Interactions Related to Physical Health
The internet can help children connect with other children when they have key pals. Like a pen pal, the students key pal can allow them to talk about concerns, physical heath, and school work. There are websites to help teachers connect students with other classrooms such as Many people of expertise can help students with real life examples related to physical activity such as Olympic athletes, professional athletes, doctors, and exercise physiologists. is Bonnie’s Fitware who sponsors the Olympic athlete project.

8 Technology to Assess and Enhance Personal Health
Software is available to help students make lifestyles changes as well as analyze nutritional status through determining the student’s RDA (recommended dietary allowance) or calorie ingestion. There are also programs which determine factors affecting life expectancy, heart disease, and cancer risks.

9 Technology to Support the Procurement of Valid Health Information
There are programs which provide accurate health information for students. Some examples include: * Kids Health * What is a Belly Button? * Welcome to Bodyland * My Amazing Human Body * ADAM: The Inside Story * Bodyworks * How your body works

10 Technology to Influence Others’ Health Behaviors
and videos allow for the possibility of mentors and positive role models for students Web Quest gives students problems to solve and resources to solve them Videos provide settings to which students can easily relate Videos and other mediums can also allow students to understand the consequences of risk behaviors Science Sleuths uses videos to help students solve educational mysteries

11 Technology to Support Interdisciplinary Instruction
Technology provides ways for physical education teachers, health education teachers, science teachers, math teachers, and technology teachers so they can all work together to teach common health themes to students through their respective fields. By combining many teachers from many areas, the instruction is more complete and comprehensive.

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