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The New Imperialism 1750-1914.

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1 The New Imperialism

2 Building Empires, The long 19th century Western powers built great empires Claimed dominion over foreign peoples They acquired colonies They used force – armies and navies 1914 – they controlled 84% of the world Why did European make this “mad rush for empire”?

3 1. Economic reasons Europeans had the technology go everywhere
Europeans believed in “free trade.” This enabled individual European traders to go to... Nigeria, Burma, Singapore, Pakistan, India, etc... This enabled European traders to go up the Congo, the Niger, the Ganges the Yangtze, the Amazon

4 Economic penetration causes conflict
Traders didn’t understand cultures of foreign peoples Assumed they believed in free trade as well Europeans were insensitive to local customs Insensitivity triggers three wars Opium Wars with China Indian Mutiny (1857) Britain seizes territory to protect trade Hong Kong and India

5 2. Military Considerations
Imperial powers had to protect their colonies They also had to protect trade routes to colonies Great Britain acquired India It gets more colonies to protect its route to India commonly known as the “Cape Route” including the Cape Colony (South Africa) including islands in Atlantic & Indian Oceans Other imperial powers did the same thing

6 3. Racism Christian Europe saw itself as superior to other peoples
They had achieved such a high level of civilization They alone had a true knowledge of God They alone knew the path to salvation “Superior” cultures had responsibilities To civilize less developed peoples To convert the heathen infidels Rudyard Kipling: “the white man's burden”

7 The cross followed the sword
Invading armies brought with them Christians missionaries Built churches, hospitals, and schools Introduced native peoples to western Religion, medicine, technology, commerce Who treated natives with contempt forcing conversions destroying native shrines undermining native beliefs.

8 Science used to justify imperialism
“Science” rationalized imperialism and justify exploitation Social Darwinism Anthropology

9 4. The popularity of empire
Most Europeans loved the very idea of “empire” It made them feel superior Popular fiction excited readers Young boys read adventure stories Newspaper published stories of distant battles Upper and middle classes liked “empire” economic benefits and imperial frontiers Working classes liked the idea of empire

10 5. The spirit of competition
Great powers acquired colonies because they could A nation’s prestige was measured by the size of empire Nobody wanted to be left out A nation could only be taken seriously if it had an empire

11 The British empire

12 The British empire By 1900 it compromised one-quarter of the earth
The sun never set on the Union Jack By 1900 it compromised one-fifth of its people! All governed from London All subject to English statutes and Common Law The empire supplied raw materials The empire was guarded by the Royal Navy largest navy in the world larger than any other two navies combined

13 Other nations colonized
France Germany Russia Italy The United States Belgium

14 Impact of the conquered peoples
The rule of law European religion and philosophy Science and medicine, Drugs, hospitals, modern surgery Technological & economic development Telegraph and railways Construction equipment Western education Capitalism and Socialism Bigotry and cultural insensitivity Economic exploitation Environmental devastation Cultures destroyed

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