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Vocabulary Hinge.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Hinge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Hinge


3 Example 1A: Using the Hinge Theorem and Its Converse
Compare mBAC and mDAC.

4 Example 1B: Using the Hinge Theorem and Its Converse
Compare EF and FG.

5 Example 1C: Using the Hinge Theorem and Its Converse
Find the range of values for k.

6 Example 3: Proving Triangle Relationships
Write a two-column proof. Given: Prove: AD > CB

7 Check It Out! Example 3a Write a two-column proof. Given: C is the midpoint of BD. m1 = m2 m3 > m4 Prove: AB > ED

8 Check It Out! Example 3b Write a two-column proof. Given: SRT  STR TU > RU Prove: mTSU > mRSU

9 Lesson Quiz: Part I 1. Compare mABC and mDEF. 2. Compare PS and QR. mABC > mDEF PS < QR

10 Lesson Quiz: Part II 3. Find the range of values for z.

11 Lesson Quiz: Part III 4. Write a two-column proof. Given: Prove: mXYW < mZWY

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