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Doing Project Work – Conclusion

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1 Doing Project Work – Conclusion

2 Video Now let's watch the conclusion and do a few final activities. Play the video.

3 What are the step-by-step directions?
Choose a project page from any Our World Student Book. As a group, discuss how you would prepare for this project. Answer the following questions to guide your discussion. What are the step-by-step directions? What might be confusing to students? What must I prepare ahead of time? What do students need to bring from home? How will students share this work? What language and content can students practice with this project? Application Now that we’ve learned some tips for doing project work with Our World, let’s apply what we’ve learned. Distribute Handout 8.2. Divide participants into groups of two to three. Ask each group to choose a project page from their Our World Student Book. Tell them they will prepare for project work. Ask each group to answer the questions on Handout 8.2 using the project pages they chose. Move from group to group to check comprehension and see when most groups have finished the task. When all groups have finished, ask one or two groups to share their process, or to maximize participation, ask each person to find a partner from another group and share how they would prepare for their specific project pages. 

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