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Structure of dangerous goods Maritime Office in Gdynia.

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1 Structure of dangerous goods Maritime Office in Gdynia

2 Maritime Office in Gdynia – dangerous goods Obligation by National Act of Parliament on polish sea areas and Maritime Administration – 21.03.1991 Obligation by Directive 2002/59/EC Obligation by Orders of Ministry of Transport and Construction

3 Definition of Dangerous Goods by 2002/59/EC Dangerous goods means: goods classified in the IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods) Code, dangerous liquid substances listed in Chapter 17 of the IBC (International Bulk Chemical) Code, liquefied gases listed in Chapter 19 of the IGC (International Gas Carrier) Code, solids referred to in Appendix B of the BC Code (Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes). Also included are goods for the carriage of which appropriate preconditions have been laid down in accordance with paragraph 1.1.3 of the IBC Code or paragraph 1.1.6 of the IGC Code;

4 Polluting goods means: oils as defined in Annex I to the MARPOL Convention, noxious liquid substances as defined in Annex II to the MARPOL Convention, harmful substances as defined in Annex III to the MARPOL Convention;

5 Why the information is needed? To collect available data for Formal Safety Assesment To prevent situation like this……

6 Why the information is needed? To know what is inside those containers …….. To react quickly and use resources well…..

7 Results – enhanced safety of maritime traffic Supervision on dangerous goods transported on board of vessels by VTS Record of dangeous goods in VTS data bases Exchange of collected information for rapid reaction in case of accident SafeSeaNetExchange of information with other european countries - SafeSeaNet

8 SafeSeaNet Following the loss of the tanker ERIKA off the French coast in 1999, the European Union has adopted several directives aimed at preventing accidents at sea and marine pollution. Directive 2002/59/EC adopted by the Parliament and the Council on 27 June 2002 aims at establishing, within the Community a vessel traffic monitoring and information system with a view to enhancing the safety of efficiency of maritime traffic, improving the response of authorities to incidents, accidents or potentially dangerous situations at sea, including search and rescue operations, and contributing to a better prevention and detection of pollution by ships. Above mentioned Directive requires Member States and the Commission to co-operate to establish computerised data exchange systems and to develop the necessary infrastructure to this end.

9 Structure of dangerous goods

10 Statistics 2003

11 Statistics 2004

12 Statisctics 2005

13 Routes of dangerous goods

14 October 2005 – example of passages of dangerous goods by ships type Type Number of visits with dangerous goods Bulk6 Container106 General Cargo12 Ferry68 Ro-ro37 LPG26 Tanker (inc. ULCC, VLCC and Chemical Tankers)92 Total:347 Total passages for the period:1207

15 Trends Increasing congestion of maritime traffic Increasing number and volume of dangerous goods carried on board Security threats for certain types of vessels

16 Tasks for the WP2 of Baltic MaSTER -1 Examine routes of transportation of dangerous goods Examine means of traffic monitoring of hazmat vesels Identify hazards for future Formal Safety Assesments – systematic process for assesing risks and evaluating IMO options for reducing risks.

17 Tasks for the WP2 of Baltic MaSTER - 2 Evaluate risk control options Vision od dangerous goods transport in view of PSSA – monitoring of vessels within Exclusive Economic Zones Initiate assesment for places of refuge of vessels carrying dangerous goods Share experiences on SafeSeaNet and Maritime Safety Information Exchange System (SWIBŻ)

18 Thank You

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