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The Role of Independent Studies Rationale #7

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1 The Role of Independent Studies Rationale #7

2 Your opportunity to work with faculty
Each masters student can take one non-graded course. CSC 630 ECE 633 ECE 634 An opportunity to work individually, or almost so.

3 How independent studies contribute to this course
Design-patterns exercises Lectures on new topics Have exercises for all GoF patterns in Java and Ruby. Would like them in C++. Original Ruby lectures were created this way, before textbooks were available. With mentoring, idea is to have students work for credit one semester and then a smaller number of them be paid to “mentor other mentors.” Mentoring of OSS projects Software applications

4 Research-based independent studies
1. Exploring applications of AI in peer assessment 2. Compare peer-review grades with overall grades on projects and courses 3. Data mining for plagiarism detection in online exams 4. Studies in teammate assessment (tentative) 5. Literature review on recent peer-assessment research

5 Research and implementation based independent studies
6. Web-service implementations of AI-based peer-review metrics 7. Micro-credentialing (digital badging) 8. Recommend and incorporate visualizations for peer assessment 9. Revision planning tool (tentative) 10. Support for logging & data-mining peer-assessment behavior 11. Implementing new bidding algorithms

6 Implementation-based independent studies
12. Mentoring OSS projects 13. Grab data from external tools and display as metrics in Expertiza 14. Improvements in teammate assessment 15. Set up an open-source error monitoring tool instead of Airbrake 16. Calibration for instructors and TAs 17. Integrate Expertiza with LMSs (tentative) 18. Front-end/back-end separation (tentative) 19. Mobile student interface for Expertiza (tentative)

7 Rules & Guidelines Work about as much as a regular course.
Record each week what you have accomplished what you will do next week. Meet with us weekly. Present your work at the end of the semester.

8 Next Steps You decide what you want to work on (fill in “other” if you wish). Fill out the form, picking topics you’re interested in. If more than 1 or 2 people pick a topic, I’ll ask you to provide details on background ideas

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