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Intestinal HCO3- secretion rates (bars, means + s. e. m

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1 Intestinal HCO3- secretion rates (bars, means + s. e. m
Intestinal HCO3- secretion rates (bars, means + s.e.m., N=8) of isolated anterior (Ant), mid and posterior (Post) segments of toadfish intestine and total CO2 concentrations of luminal fluids (circles; means ± s.e.m., N=8) obtained from the anterior, mid, posterior and rectal portion (Rect) of the toadfish intestine. Intestinal HCO3- secretion rates (bars, means + s.e.m., N=8) of isolated anterior (Ant), mid and posterior (Post) segments of toadfish intestine and total CO2 concentrations of luminal fluids (circles; means ± s.e.m., N=8) obtained from the anterior, mid, posterior and rectal portion (Rect) of the toadfish intestine. Flux rates in isolated intestinal segments were measured using the same luminal saline (identical HCO3- and Cl- concentrations for all segments) and serosal saline for all three segments (Grosell and Genz, 2006). Total CO2 values are from a recent study on unfed toadfish (Taylor and Grosell, 2006a). Martin Grosell J Exp Biol 2006;209: © The Company of Biologists Limited 2006

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