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The Glories & Evils of Egypt

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1 The Glories & Evils of Egypt

2 Introduction As we focus upon Joseph during our upcoming VBS here in Alvin, it would be helpful to provide some background information on Egypt, its land and its leaders.

3 Introduction Even those with little knowledge of history recognize the grandeur associated with ancient Egypt: its three thousand year history, its mighty Pharaohs, its magnificent ruins that survive into the modern era, etc. Yet, there was also a darker side to Egypt. The Egyptians fell under divine judgment because they were idolatrous, proud, and oppressive.














17 The Egyptians were Idolatrous
In the 10 plagues, occurring in the days of Moses, the Lord God came in judgment upon all the gods of Egypt (Exod. 12:12; Num. 33:1-4). Years later, Jehovah employed Nebuchadnezzar in accomplishing similar ends (Jer. 43:8-13).

18 The Egyptians were Proud
Delivering the divine ultimatum to Pharaoh, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Let My people go…,’” Egypt’s monarch responded, “Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice to let Israel go?” (Exod. 5:1-2). In this regard, Pharaoh reflects the haughty spirit of the wicked (Ps. 10:3-4; 12:3-4). Years later, the prophet Ezekiel stated that Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, would be the means by which judgment would be poured out upon the pride of Egypt (Ezek. 30:1-19; 32:11-15).

19 The Egyptians were Oppressive
During the long years of Israel’s captivity, the Egyptians were cruel taskmasters, oppressing the Hebrews with heavy burdens (Gen. 15:13- 14; Exod. 1:8-14; 3:7-8; 5).

20 Conclusion Prophecies against Egypt are set forth in Isaiah chapter 19, Jeremiah chapter 46 and Ezekiel chapter 29. According to Isaiah, judgment fell upon Egypt because her princes led her astray (vv ), but the Lord would ultimately bring a blessing upon Egypt, Assyria, and all mankind (vv ). Jeremiah and Ezekiel offer similar denunciations, while providing assurance of God’s eternal plan and purpose, that was realized through Israel, and fulfilled through Jesus Christ.

21 Challenge Having pondered the glories and evils of Egypt, let us realize that God comes in judgment upon both individuals and nations. He continues to rule the kingdoms of men, and remains opposed to idolatry, pride and oppression. Let us, therefore, worship and serve the One True God, while evidencing a spirit of humility, and loving our neighbor as ourselves.

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