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Effects of Topper Training (Kanjertraining)

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of Topper Training (Kanjertraining)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of Topper Training (Kanjertraining)
Dr. Lilian Vliek Ik ben lilien Gepromoveerd, kijk boekje Wie kent kanjertraining? Doel: Safe climate in school Decrease social problems Increase self-esteem and well-being

2 How to prevent or cure social problems at a young age?
Focus on risk and protective factors

3 Positive social interactions
Recommendable to include in interventions: (Vliek & Orobio de Castro, 2014) Positive social interactions Child factors Social information processing Emotion regulation Self esteem Social skills Self-efficacy Environment Parents Peers Teacher

4 Self determination theory
Intrinsic motivation & well being Autonomy Competence Relatedness

5 Topper Training: education  mental health
 Teacher (schoolwide intervention) Orobio de Castro et al., 2018; Vliek, in press  Psychologist (in disruptive classes) Vliek, 2015 In volgorde laten verschijnen Vertel kort over uitslag in de klas na 1 jaar Psychologist gives intensive short training: Parent evening and 15 hours classroom training (Vliek, 2015)  Psychologist (mental health care) Vliek, 2015

6 Within 1 school year: (Orobio de Castro et al., 2018)
Reduction in victimization in classes with many conflicts Effect size d = ,18 2 years or more  teachers more experienced with Topper Training. Effect on victimization?

7 (Vliek, in press)

8 Classroom climate

9 (Vliek, 2015)

10 (Vliek, Overbeek, Orobio de Castro, 2014; Vliek, 2015)


12 Clinical  ‘Normal’ Self-worth: 69% (17%: waiting list)
Conduct problems: 64% (13%) Emotional problems: 47% (16%) Impact: 47% (13%) 1 voor 1 laten verschijnen 9/14 vs. 1/8 15/32 vs. 3/19 20/43 vs. 3/24

13 Intrinsic motivation? Why did you do that?

14 Affirming positive intentions
Was it your intention to hurt that child?

15 A toddler can choose…  autonomy



18 Practicing new behaviour  competence and autonomy

19 Conclusion Topper training can be effective for
Children with mild to severe internalising and externalising problems (given by psychologist) Classrooms with conflicts (by psychologist or teacher) Classrooms with experienced Topper Training teachers Forthcoming research: which elements are effective for whom?

20 Thank you!

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