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Ohio MSDC Centers of Excellence

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio MSDC Centers of Excellence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ohio MSDC Centers of Excellence
Corporate/MBE Kickoff Meeting April 2, 2015 Certify. Develop. Connect. Advocate

2 Welcome & Introductions
Name Title Company Products/Services

3 From the National Office…
Maggie Chaparro VP of Enterprise Learning Solns & Organizational Development Judith C. Cockrell Director of Field Operations Certify. Develop. Connect. Advocate

4 A Business Module Approach
Centers of Excellence A Business Module Approach

5 Centers of Excellence Definition
Centers of Excellence are Regional Business Modules that serve to enhance Corporate minority business development through knowledge sharing and excellence in implementing NMSDC best practices.

6 NMSDC COE Business Module Defined
A program for corporations which seek to strengthen/launch their minority supplier development activities The COE is composed of a network of regional groups of 8-10 corporations called “business modules” that have committed to significantly increase procurement from minority firms by implementing minority business development best practices from the National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc.® Each business module recruits MBEs that match forecasted needs Corporations agree to mentor MBEs by providing access to internal corporate resources Business Module cycle is months in duration Registration fee for corporations Participation does not guarantee an MBE a contract Capacity Building Activity Best Practices Module Leader Corporation MBEs Buying Entities Regional Business Module NMSDC Centers of Excellence Best Practice Performance Data

Respect, Courtesy, and Professionalism must be Observed Share Responsibility Criticize Only Ideas Not People Question & Participate (when appropriate) Attend All Meetings Be On Time to Meetings Complete Assignments On Time Listen Constructively

8 COE Benefits Enhance Corporation’s minority business development process Through structured environment, drive use of NMSDC best practices Enhance understanding within the firm to support resource needs Provides increased business opportunities for both Corporate members and MBEs through learning from each other’s competitive strengths MBEs obtain an “insider’s perspective” on ways to conduct business with the Corporate Module members Expand impact of NMSDC and Regional Council network by advancing minority business development excellence

9 COE Methodology Identify opportunities
Nominate MBEs based on forecast of opportunities Want at least two corporations with same opportunity Corporation can identify MBE and be integral part of their growth Lower risk by using NMSDC certified MBEs Self assessments

10 COE Corporate Member Responsibilities
Designate a manager responsible for the execution and goals of this initiative Committed, active participation for at least 24 months Offer technical and mentoring assistance in at least one developmental area, such as legal, HR, engineering, quality, technical and management training Establish a Supplier Diversity process which includes NMSDC Best Practices Establish goals to increase the purchases with minority suppliers Provide forecasts of purchasing requirements

11 COE Corporate Member Responsibilities (cont’d)
Identify business opportunities that accelerate minority business development, e.g., Direct sourcing Minority supplier merger/acquisitions of majority firms or spinoffs Consolidation of tactical suppliers under lead minority supplier Outsourcing of non-core or core operations to minority suppliers Minority supplier joint ventures/strategic alliances Include MBE Module participants in all bidding opportunities where they can be reasonably expected to have the capability of providing the required products and services

Presentation should be 10 – 15 minutes and cover: Company Name Corporate Management Team/Org. Chart Where SD Org. fits/# Employees Products/Services Provided Sales and Customers Purchasing Process & Opportunities Strategies and Goals of Corporation & How MBD strategies & goals align Describe Minority Business Development Process based on NMSDC 8 Best Practices

13 Capacity Building Definition (Used in NMSDC Centers of Excellence Program)
Developing an organization’s skills and capabilities, such as, leadership, finance, quality, management, technology, and providing access to information and knowledge, in order to build the organization’s effectiveness and sustainability

14 Capacity Building Examples
Each corporate business module participant will offer capacity building in at least one developmental area Examples of Capacity Building Developmental Activities: Quality Training Executive Education Proposal/RFX Development Financial Assistance Bonding Support Business Planning HR Management Project Management Strategic Selling Technical Assistance Engineering R & D Technology Transfer Partnerships/Strategic Alliances/JVs Branding

15 COE MBE Responsibilities
Certification by NMSDC Regional Council CEO commits to attend all meetings Provide information necessary for the Corporate Module Members to assess their capability Fully evaluate the suggestions and assistance provided by the Corporate Module Members MBE’s CFO or other executive personnel may be requested to attend specific module activities Make every effort to meet or exceed the needs, both short- and long-term, of the Corporate Module Members in areas of quality, delivery and pricing Participation in COE does not guarantee an MBE a contract

16 MBE PRESENTATIONS Presentation should be 10 – 15 minutes and cover:
Company Name Vision/Mission/Values Brief History of Company Management Team/Org. Chart/# Employees Capabilities (Description of Products/Services Provided) Sales and Customers Strategies and Goals Describe your company’s Minority Business Development Process, if applicable

17 COE Module Leader Responsibilities
Implement policies and procedures of COE Coordinate meeting schedule and lead meetings Facilitate discussion during module meetings Support module activities and manage accountability of the group Collect and record results (financial and non-financial) of module Serve as liaison to review progress and issues with NMSDC Centers of Excellence manager

18 Measures of Success-Ralph G. Moore & Associates (RGMA) Scale: Corporate
Level 1 Beginning Program Level 2 Basic Program Level 3 Traditional Program Level 4 Advanced Process Level 5 World Class Process A “contact person” to answer phone calls No Tracking System No Materials No Trade Fairs No Budget No Outreach Part-time diversity business coordinator Program Brochure Subcontracting Plans Limited Trade Fair Participation Compliance Driven No Ownership Visible Program Manager Some Program Collateral Materials Limited Program Tracking Local/National Diversity Business Organization Memberships Little Senior Management Involvement Outside Core Strategy Program Director Internal and External Identity Packages Measurement by business unit Diverse Vendors company-wide Involved Senior Management Tied to Procurement Objectives Program Director Communications Plan Measurement of revenue contribution Mission critical joint ventures and strategic alliances Senior Management Leadership Tied to performance Objectives company-wide Infrastructure Elements Module Activity Moves Supplier Diversity Processes Forward

19 Measures of Success-Ralph G. Moore & Associates (RGMA) Scale: MBE
Functional Area Traditional Supplier Advanced Suppliers World-Class Business Partner Growth Strategy Leadership Marketing & Sales Customer Knowledge Customer Service Technology Customer by Customer President, department managers President is top salesman supported by sales staff. Marketing strategy consists of generic website and standard brochure Limited President, staff respond to customer needs Local Area Network, website. Behind in customer technology implementation plan Develops long-term customer relationships CEO and Management Team Sales VP leads sales team. Advanced website Works with customer to solve supply chain problems Customer Service Team LAN, EDI and able to respond quickly to RFQs Acquisitions, JVs and strategic alliances. Researches industry trends; CEO, business unit presidents and board of directors Sales VP; Internal and External Identity Packages; On-line sales Understand industry solutions Resident Representative at Customer Site CIO, custom applications e-commerce ready Infrastructure Elements Module Activity Moves Supplier Diversity Processes Forward

20 General Business Acumen
Mentoring Relationships cover one or more of the following components: Scope Growth & Development General Business Acumen Professionalism How to Approach Fortune Corporations The Do’s and Don’ts Strategy Planning Your “Value Add” Research The Right Ad The Right Media Mission Branding Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations, Collateral Material and Related Needs Marketing Advertising The Process: Prospecting approach, pitch, close, follow up The 2 Minute Pitch Know your Audience and your audience’s customers Networking Leadership Presentations Business etiquette & behavior

21 Mentoring Relationships cover one or more of the following components:
Scope (con’t) Growth & Development Technology & Technical Services Human Resources & Risk Management Globalization Finance, Purchasing & Operations Systems and Servers Reverse Auctions Technology, hardware, software and related areas Alliances, Partnering, JVs Doing business abroad Scalability Capacity Building Methods Business Plan Financial Acumen Mergers/Acquisitions Personnel Management and Policies Risk Management Building Leases, etc. Legal, insurance and other related professional areas

NMSDC Best Practices Assessment MBE Operations and Needs Assessment Learning Activities MENTORING Informal One-on-One Group DEVELOPMENT PLANS Continuous Improvement

23 NMSDC Best Practices Establish Corporate Policy and Top Corporate Management Support Develop a Corporate Minority Supplier Development Plan Establish Comprehensive Internal and External Communications Identify Opportunities for MBEs in Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Establish Comprehensive Minority Supplier Development Process Establish Tracking, Reporting, and Goal Setting Mechanisms Establish a Continuous Improvement Plan Establish a Second Tier Program

24 Anyone hungry?

25 OMSDC COE Alumni Amelia Rodriguez (Vocalink)
Archie Williamson (Diversified Systems Inc.) Kim Martinez-Giering (AIT Worldwide Logistics) by phone

26 Corporate & MBE Expectations

27 Things to do…. MBE Profile
Baseline MBE Best Practices Assessment for Mentoring Best Practices Development Plan (BDP) Capacity Building Activities for MBEs

28 Best Practices Development Plan

29 Capacity Building Activities
Strategic Alliances & JVs - Red Flags in Business Relationships Successful Introductions of MBEs/Approaching Corporations Supply Chain Environmental Sustainability Scorecard Marketing/Branding Quality/Lean Six Sigma Financing Growth Social Media Succession Planning Strategic Selling Strategic Negotiations Relationship Management Procurement 101: RFP/RFI/RFQ Process Operational Excellence

30 Meetings to Schedule Next COE Meetings Capacity Building Meetings
Bi-monthly, ~3 hours General Format Best Practice Overview MBE Presentation Corporate Presentation Capacity Building Meetings Frequency is up to the group, determined by needs ~2 hours Can be held same day as COE Meeting

31 In Closing… Open Items Wrap Up

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