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41st Gas-Lift Workshop Houston, Texas, USA June 3 - 7, 2019

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Presentation on theme: "41st Gas-Lift Workshop Houston, Texas, USA June 3 - 7, 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 41st Gas-Lift Workshop Houston, Texas, USA June 3 - 7, 2019
API 19G Task Group Update Greg Stephenson - Chair API 19G Task Group Sr. Eng. Advisor - Occidental Petroleum 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

2 Updated Edition of the #1 NATIONAL
All-New, Completely Updated Edition of the #1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER Everything you always wanted to know about standards* Explained by Greg Stephenson, API 19G * BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK™ 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

3 Definition Standard \’stan-dərd\ - noun - a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services are fit for their purpose. 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

4 API Documents Designations
Specifications Standards Recommended Practices Bulletins Technical Reports 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

5 API Documents Designations
Specifications - Documents written to facilitate communications between purchasers, manufacturers, and/or service suppliers Standards - Documents that combine elements of both specifications and recommended practices Recommended Practices - Documents that communicate proven industry practices; RPs may include both mandatory and non-mandatory provisions Bulletins & Technical Reports - Documents that convey technical information on a specific subject or topic and are generally issued on a one time-basis 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

6 Organization 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

7 Organization 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

8 People Austin Freeman - BP Jorge Cuesta- BP Anthony Allison - Oxy
2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

9 Status of API and ISO Title of International Standard SPEC 19G1
Side-pocket Mandrels Flow-control Devices for Side-pocket Mandrels SPEC 19G2 Running Tools, Pulling Tools, and Kick-over Tools and Latches for Side-pocket Mandrels SPEC 19G3 Conflict over embargo issues and IP. Adopt-back process suspended indefinitely.

10 Published Gas Lift Documents
API 19G1 - Side Pocket Mandrels API 19G2 - Flow-control Devices for Side Pocket Mandrels API 19G3 - Running Tools, Pulling Tools, and Kick over Tools and Latches for Side pocket Mandrels API RP 19G4 - Practices for Side pocket Mandrels and Related Equipment API RP 11V5 - Operation, Maintenance, Surveillance, and Troubleshooting of Gas Lift Installations API RP 11V6 - Design of continuous Flow Gas Lift Installations (on hold) API RP 11V7 - Repair, Testing and Setting Gas Lift Valves (withdrawn) API RP 11V8 - Gas Lift System Design and Performance Prediction (on hold) API RP 19G9 - Design, Operation and troubleshooting of Dual Gas Lift Wells API RP 19G10 - Design and Operation Intermittent Gas Lift Systems API RP 19G11 - Dynamic simulation of gas-lift wells and systems 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

11 New for 2019 Task Group 19G Leadership
Chair: Greg Stephenson, Oxy Vice-Chair: Steven Freeman, Shell Spec 19G1, 2nd Edition published February, 2019 RP 19G10, 1st Edition published October, 2018 RP 19G11, 1st Edition published October, 2018 11S-series documents for ESP’s now part of TG19G New WG Established for Conventional GL Equipment New WG Established for ESP DIFA (RP 11S1 re-write) 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

12 Gas Lift Documents Nearing Release
API SPEC 19G2, 2nd Edition API Gas Lift Handbook API RP 19G5 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

13 Implications of Gas Lift Handbook
API 19G1 - Side Pocket Mandrels API 19G2 - Flow-control Devices for Side Pocket Mandrels API 19G3 - Running Tools, Pulling Tools, and Kick over Tools and Latches for Side pocket Mandrels API RP 19G4 - Practices for Side pocket Mandrels and Related Equipment API RP 19G5 - Operation, Maintenance, Surveillance, and Troubleshooting of Gas Lift Installations API RP 11V6 - Design of continuous Flow Gas Lift Installations (on hold) API RP 11V7 - Repair, Testing and Setting Gas Lift Valves (Withdrawn) API RP 11V8 - Gas Lift System Design and Performance Prediction (on hold) API RP 19G9 - Design, Operation and troubleshooting of Dual Gas Lift Wells API RP 19G10 - Design and Operation Intermittent Gas Lift Systems API RP 19G11 - Dynamic simulation of gas-lift wells and systems 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

14 Status of ESP Documents
ISO – ESP Standard (Shauna Noonan leading revision effort) API RP 11S - Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting of ESP Installations (Last update 25 years ago) API RP 11S1 – ESP Teardown Report (Jeff Dwiggins leading revision effort) API RP 11S2 – ESP Testing (Last update 22 years ago) API RP 11S3 – ESP Installations (Last update 20 years ago) API RP 11S4 – Sizing and Selection (Last update 17 years ago) API RP 11S5 – Application of ESP Cable Systems (Last update 26 years ago) API RP 11S6 – Testing of ESP Cable Systems (Last update 24 years ago) API RP 11S7 – Application / Testing of Seal Assy’s (Last update 26 years ago) API RP 11S8 – ESP System Vibrations (Last update 7 years ago / major rev) 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

15 API 19G Documents under Development
API TR 19G12 – Gas Lift Automation Cleon Dunham led development WG established to review prior to circulation API RP 19G13 – Gas Lift for Deep-water, HP/HT (on hold) API TR 19G14 – Gas Lift for Gas Wells API SPEC 19G15 – Conventional Gas Lift Equipment Chair: Keith McKenzie, Oxy Vice-chair: Reagan Wilkins, Priority API RP 11S1 – ESP DIFA Chair: Jeff Dwiggins, Artificial Lift Solutions Vice-chair: Edward Rubiano, Oxy 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

16 Next API 19G Task Group Meeting
Date: June 7, 2019 Start time: 08:00 AM Finish time: 01:00 PM Venue: Norris Conference Center 816 Town & Country Blvd., Suite 210 Houston, Texas All are welcome! 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

17 Questions? 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

18 Copyright Rights to this presentation are owned by the company(ies) and/or author(s) listed on the title page. By submitting this presentation to the Gas-Lift Workshop, they grant to the Workshop, and the Artificial Lift Research and Development Council (ALRDC) rights to: Display the presentation at the Workshop. Place it on the web site, with access to the site to be as directed by the Workshop Steering Committee. Place it on a CD for distribution and/or sale as directed by the Workshop Steering Committee. Other uses of this presentation are prohibited without the expressed written permission of the company(ies) and/or author(s) who own it and the Workshop Steering Committee. 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

19 Disclaimer The following disclaimer shall be included as the last page of a Technical Presentation or Continuing Education Course. A similar disclaimer is included on the front page of the Gas-Lift Workshop Web Site. The Artificial Lift Research and Development Council and its officers and trustees, and the Gas-Lift Workshop Steering Committee members, and their supporting organizations and companies (here-in- after referred to as the Sponsoring Organizations), and the author(s) of this Technical Presentation or Continuing Education Training Course and their company(ies), provide this presentation and/or training material at the Gas-Lift Workshop "as is" without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information or the products or services referred to by any presenter (in so far as such warranties may be excluded under any relevant law) and these members and their companies will not be liable for unlawful actions and any losses or damage that may result from use of any presentation as a consequence of any inaccuracies in, or any omission from, the information which therein may be contained. The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed in these presentations and/or training materials are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Sponsoring Organizations. The author is solely responsible for the content of the materials. The Sponsoring Organizations cannot and do not warrant the accuracy of these documents beyond the source documents, although we do make every attempt to work from authoritative sources. The Sponsoring Organizations provide these presentations and/or training materials as a service. The Sponsoring Organizations make no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the presentations and/or training materials, or any part thereof, including any warrantees of title, non- infringement of copyright or patent rights of others, merchantability, or fitness or suitability for any purpose. 2019 Gas-Lift Workshop June 3 - 7, 2019

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