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The marine perspective of Copernicus

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1 The marine perspective of Copernicus
Michael Rohn, Torsten Riedlinger European Commission - GMES unit --- Integrated Maritime Policy Expert Group 11 December 2012

2 What is Copernicus? It does Global Monitoring for Environment and Security VP Tajani announced new name this morning! The European Earth monitoring programme - Providing reliable information on the environment and security to public users Long term and operational Building on existing assets and capabilities Complemented by dedicated assets (e.g. Sentinels) Contributes to growth and job through open data policy to downstream sector

3 System view Service lines Land Atmosphere Marine Emergency Security
Climate Change

4 Marine environment monitoring
Objective: To provide information on the state of physical ocean and marine ecosystems for the global ocean and the European regional areas. Monitoring and forecast, plus reanalysis of past years on Currents Temperature Salinity Sea ice Sea level Surface winds Biogeochemistry

5 Current implementation as pilot service
Outside GIO as FP7 research project MyOcean-2 FP7-SPACE-2011: Prototype Operational Continuity for the GMES Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Service 59 participants from 28 different countries 41,2 M€ total cost (28 M€ EC contribution) From April 2012 to September 2014 Coordinator: Mercator Océan

6 Main building blocks Thematic Assembly Centres
Marine Forecasting Centres

7 Copernicus Marine Service
GMES: from research to operations Copernicus Timeline Operational service GMES Initial Operations Copernicus Marine Service GMES User Forum RTD GMES User Forum Workshop IG MerSea MyOcean MyOcean -II 2011 2014 2019 2020

8 Programmatic base Funding
Regulation GMES & its initial operations (GIO) Communication COM(2011)831 New EU Financial Regulation Funding Commission (EC) proposes GMES to be funded outside the MFF European Parliament (EP) recommends it inside the MFF No consensus position in the Council Next EU summit on MFF expected on February 2013

9 Next steps Decision on the budget (MFF)
Debates + adoption by EP and Council in co-decision Delegation Agreements to be concluded (and procurement) Start of the operations in Summer 2014 It changed its name to Copernicus today

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