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Plans for Reconstruction

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1 Plans for Reconstruction

2 Lincoln’s plan Lincoln knew war was coming to close in 1863
Needed to plan to bring country together. Called his 10-Percent Plan

3 10 percent plan 10 percent of Southerners must swear oath of allegiance to North The south must accept 13th amendment and abolish slavery. All southerners will receive pardon

4 Lincoln Assassination
April 15, 1865, Lincoln was shot dead by assassin John Wilkes Booth Booth was southern sympathizer and actor. Booth’s brother Edwin was most respected actor of time period

5 Radical Republicans Extreme Republicans Hated Slavery and the South
Led by Thaddeus Stevens Not willing to compromise

6 Wade Davis Bill Much more extreme plan for reconstruction
Was put in by Radical Republicans Slavery must be abolished Over half of white men must swear allegiance Former Confederates cannot hold office

7 Andrew Johnson Following death of Lincoln, became president
Was former southern Democrat himself Hated rich landowners, goal was to destroy them While congress was adjourned, he took over reconstruction

8 Johnson’s Plan Johnson’s plan required ratification of 13t Amnd
Former Confederate officials could hold office Majority must claim alliance to USA

9 Impeachment Congress did not like Johnson going behind their backs on Reconstruction Impeached him for going against constitution He was acquitted

10 Reconstruction Act Second try by Radical Republicans
Forced the 14th amendment on Southern states

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