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Fluency #14 40 words The Party

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1 Fluency #14 40 words The Party

2 Sam and Pat were bored. “What do you want to do. ” asked Pat
Sam and Pat were bored. “What do you want to do?” asked Pat. “I don’t know,” said Sam. “What do you want to do?” “I don’t know,” said Pat. “What do you want to do?” “I asked first,” said Sam. 1

3 “What?” asked Sam. “What can we do? What can we do to have fun?
Sam and Pat were bored. They wanted to have fun. They did not know what to do. Then Pat said, “I know what we can do?” “What?” asked Sam. “What can we do? What can we do to have fun? 2

4 Pat said to Sam, “Let’s have a party. That will be fun. ” “A party
Pat said to Sam, “Let’s have a party. That will be fun.” “A party?” asked Sam. “You want to have a party?” “Yes,” said Sam. “A party will be really fun.” “Okay,” said Sam. “Let’s have a party. You go first.” 3

5 Pat and Sam were having a party. Sam had never had a party before
Pat and Sam were having a party. Sam had never had a party before. “I have never had a party before,” said Sam. I don’t know what to do.” “It’s easy,” said Pat. “Show me what to do,” said Sam. 4

6 Pat and Sam were having a party
Pat and Sam were having a party. Pat was showing Sam what to do at a party. “First you wear funny hats.” “But we don’t have funny hats,” said Sam. “Oh dear,” said Pat. “We need to get funny hats!” 5

7 Pat and Sam wanted to get some funny hats. They were having a party
Pat and Sam wanted to get some funny hats. They were having a party. “We don’t have funny hats,” Sam said. He started to cry. “I know what we can do,” Pat said. She put a pan on her head. 6

8 Pat and Sam were having a party. They didn’t have any funny hats
Pat and Sam were having a party. They didn’t have any funny hats. Pat put a pan on her head. Sam started laughing. “That’s funny,” he said. “You have a pan on your head.” He laughed. “That is really funny.” 7

9 Pat had a pan on her head. Sam was laughing at her
Pat had a pan on her head. Sam was laughing at her. “That’s funny,” he said. “But we have to find funny hats.” “What’s wrong with you,” said Pat. “This is my funny hat.” “But it’s a pan,” Sam said. 8

10 Pat had a pan on her head. “Look Sam,” she said
Pat had a pan on her head. “Look Sam,” she said. “This pan is on my head.” “Yes it is,” said Sam. “And it’s funny,” said Pat. “So it’s my funny hat,” pad said loudly. 9

11 Pat said to Sam, “I’ve got a pan on my head. ” “Yes you do,” said Sam
Pat said to Sam, “I’ve got a pan on my head.” “Yes you do,” said Sam. “This is my funny hat,” she said to Sam. “But it’s a pan,” said Sam. “That’s why it’s funny,” said Pat. “Oh,” said Sam. 10

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