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Kraft Fuels & Enbridge NGV Division July 2006 Kraft Fuels/Alternate Fuels Technology Enbridge Gas Distribution Toronto, Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Kraft Fuels & Enbridge NGV Division July 2006 Kraft Fuels/Alternate Fuels Technology Enbridge Gas Distribution Toronto, Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kraft Fuels & Enbridge NGV Division July 2006 Kraft Fuels/Alternate Fuels Technology Enbridge Gas Distribution Toronto, Canada

2 Kraft Fuels/Alternate Fuels Technology Inc. Kraft Fuels founded in 1993 Principals in the fuel business since 1980 Manufacturer of Automotive Fuel Dispensers with focus on Alternate Fuels Designed and developed dispenser systems and technology Government approvals for all types of fuel dispensers Working in close co-operation with Enbridge in the NGV market since 1993

3 NGV Dispenser Manufacturing Kraft Fuels designs and approvals Reliable component selection Productivity and value for todays market place Installations with major petroleum retailers Field equipment expert support provided by Kraft Fuels and Enbridge

4 NGV Dispenser Manufacturing





9 Enbridge Gas Distribution Canadas largest natural gas distributor – 155 years experience – 1.7 million customers – 31,000+ km. of pipelines – 1,650 employees – About $250 million annually in capital Committed to transportation solutions – Canadas largest NGV fleet – Liquified natural gas for trucks – Hydrogen refueling for vehicles A hybrid vehicle, fueled by natural gas / hydrogen mix

10 Enbridge NGV Division Department formed in 1990 Over 10,000 NGVs operating in Canada Largest NGV fuelling infrastructure in Canada Seven authorized vehicle conversion shops Five sales staff Fleet of 700 natural gas powered vehicles Undertake the following functions: Refuelling stations NGV Fuel Systems Codes & Standards Sales & Marketing NGV Cylinder Rentals Vehicle Refuelling Appliances (VRAs)

11 Codes and Standards Enbridge Gas Distribution has taken a leadership role in developing NGV codes and standards since the early 1980s Worked closely with the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) to develop and refine regulations Worked with CSA and the IAS to develop harmonized US / Canada standards Codes that Enbridge was instrumental in developing include: –NGV station installation code –NGV station high pressure component standard –NGV dispenser design standard –NGV vehicle cylinder design standard –NGV vehicle conversion kit parts certification code –NGV vehicle conversion installation code –NGV vehicle refuelling point standard

12 Enbridge Refuelling Stations $6.5 million in assets (>50% of NGV Capital) 30 public sites owned by Enbridge 3 public sites owned by others 2 private sites 15 fuelling stations at Enbridge Gas Distribution yards Enbridge installs and maintains stations

13 NGV Stations

14 NGV Fuel Systems Design, inventory and package vehicle conversion kits Trouble shoot, problem solve conversion systems on new vehicle platforms In-house vehicle conversion expertise Conversion kit includes engine management system, vehicle cylinder, tubing, fill point, cylinder brackets and other ancillary equipment

15 Vehicles


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