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Phase 2 – Technical Meetings
June 17-19, 2019
Outline Update on Community Engagement and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit
Summary of Additional Document Submissions Summary of Correspondence with Interveners Summary of Issue Resolution 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Update on Community Engagement and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit
Phase 2 Community Engagement
March – April 2019 March 30: Baffin Region Mayors Forum Provided project update to all Baffin region mayors March 30: North Baffin Mayors Meeting Discussed recent NPC request for information related to the Steensby rail line Benefits of the Mary River Project. Mayors expressed a desire for increased direct project benefits April 11: Meeting with Hamlet of Pond Inlet, MHTO, and Hamlet of Igloolik following Technical Meetings Discussed outstanding issues – community engagement, IQ and contract benefits. Baffinland was requested to work directly with the communities to resolve outstanding issues and continued engagement. April 30: Follow up with Hamlets of Igloolik and Pond Inlet on commitments from Technical Meetings All requested documents provided April 30: Meeting with MHTO and QIA Discussed 2019 marine monitoring programs, food security as related to narwhal abundance and the 2018 harvesting numbers. Established that an additional meeting was necessary to further discussions on harvesting Follow-up on development of community based monitoring programs for MHTO consideration and approval (Facilitated by BIM, led by Golder) Confirmed list of upcoming community meetings 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Phase 2 Community Engagement
May 2019 May 1-2: NIRB Marine Monitoring and Marine Mitigation Workshop Session focused on Baffinland’s current marine management, which would apply to Phase 2, should it be approved NIRB released a recommendation report on May 6; Baffinland believes its programs and methods already support the recommendations and will demonstrate this through official response May 14-16: Qikiqtaaluk Socio-Economic Monitoring Committee and Mary River Socio-Economic Monitoring Working Group Meeting (CIRNAC, Baffin Region Mayors, GN, QIA) Discussed 2018 Socio-Economic Monitoring Report Discussed the development of food security indicators for the project MRSEMWG – discussed establishment of socio-economic monitoring thresholds May 22-23: Pond Inlet Harvesting Meeting (MHTO, QIA, Hamlet) Session focused on data available to understand harvesting trends of marine wildlife, and the impacts of low harvest years on hunters, families and communities Assessed currently available programs to support harvesting, food security and cultural activities; Identified that running these programs was important but a gap exists specifically for support to hunters and that the IIBA Wildlife Compensation Fund does not provide access to funds to account for years of lower abundance. Also identified that compensation for loss of activities and funds is desired Follow-up meeting planned for June 24. Review of all information and Baffinland to present ideas on support for hunters and the HTO 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Phase 2 Community Engagement
June and Upcoming 2019 June 3-11: Phase 2 Community Information Sessions in the 5 North Baffin Communities plus Iqaluit and Resolute (Grise Fiord missed due to weather) Sessions focused on what was heard from communities in January and what Baffinland has done to address those questions and concerns to date Meetings with Hamlet Councils and HTO’s were held each day in advance of the public evening sessions Review of alternatives analysis for the rail alignment with Pond Inlet and Igloolik Included participants from Government of Canada and Government of Nunavut June 24: Pond Inlet Harvesting Meeting June 25: Pond Inlet Annual Start of Season Shipping Meeting July 2-5: North Baffin Community Meeting to discuss direct project benefits Early September: Phase 2 Community Information Sessions Ongoing: Sustained presence in Pond Inlet by Head of Northern Affairs and Manager of Government Relations and Public Affairs; On-going meetings with all North Baffin communities 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Phase 2 Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit
April – June 2019 Completed the Community Risk Assessment Workshops – Jan (Mine Site), Feb (Trois Rivieres) and May 6-10 (Mine Site) Objective is to understand perceived risks associated with the railway and shipping components of Phase 2, and mutually develop additional environmental management measures, if needed Participants from all five (5) North Baffin Communities and QIA Still requires a verification meeting with Workshop participants Confirmed Crossing Selection Workshop – July 29-Aug 2 (Mine Site) Objective is to select areas where special built crossings will be necessary to facilitate caribou and Inuit crossings of the railway Proposal and draft agenda shared with GN and QIA for review and comment Invites sent to Igloolik and Pond Inlet HTO’s; 6 knowledge holders requested in total 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Summary of Additional Document Submissions
Management Plans Emergency Response Plan
Fresh Water Supply, Sewage and Wastewater Management Plan Surface Water and Aquatic Ecosystems Management Plan Aquatic Effects Monitoring Plan Waste Management Plan Spill Contingency Plan Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Management Plan Borrow Pit and Quarry Management Plan Environmental Protection Plan Air Quality and Noise Abatement Management Plan Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan Cultural Heritage Resource Protection Plan Explosives Management Plan Health and Safety Management Plan Human Resources Management Plan Railway Emergency Response Plan Railway Operations and Maintenance Plan Roads Management Plan Shipping and Marine Wildlife Management Plan Snow Management Plan Terrestrial Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Ballast Water Management Plan Interim Waste Rock Management Plan
Electronic filing of the ballast water certification documents 1-May-19 DFO 3.8.1 Memo: Milne Inlet Effluent Loadings ECCC 3.17 CEA Addendum 13-May-19 CIRNAC 18; GN 15, 26; PC 03 Icebreaking Assessment DFO 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4; GN 24; PC 01, 02; QIA 51 Memo: Additional modelling for one Cape size ore carrier at 13 kts at Eclipse Sound. DFO and 3.5.5 Memo: Listening space reduction analysis at 1 kHz for 2018 acoustic monitoring data DFO 3.5.4 Memo: Sound level (SPL) contours to levels <120 dB re 1 µPa DFO Memo: Baffinland Vessel Traffic and Anchorage Study Final Report (Simulation Study Report) DFO 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.5.8; PC 01 Revised Draft Conceptual Marine Offsetting Plan 10-Jun-19 DFO Memo: Sensitivity Analysis of Ballast Water Modelling 15-Jun-19 QIA 44 Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of concerns/issues from community members: Community members want to know whether the wildlife is increasing or decreasing, and felt as if though Baffinland was not telling them the results from the ongoing monitoring program. Comments were made that the dust would contaminate the wildlife and vegetation that they use to feed themselves and their families throughout the year. There was some discussion around whether that could potentially affect the food chain and their food security. One community member also questioned whether there would be compensation for the harm/displacement to wildlife that the railroad may potentially cause.
Atmospheric Environment
DOCUMENTS DATE SUBMISSION ID NUMBER Memo: Updated Black Carbon Emission Estimates 1-May-19 ECCC 3.08 Memo: Updated CAC Emission Estimates ECCC 3.09 Memo: Updated Annual Comparisons ECCC 3.10 Memo: Updated NO2 Predictions ECCC 3.11 Memo: Noise Modelling for Train Passes GN 05 Memo: Confirmation of data availability and influence on assessment (snow geese) HC 03 Memo: Conversion Factor Clarification HC 04 Memo: Scaled Predictions for PAH's, VOC's, and DPM 10-Jun-19 HC 05, HC 10 Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of concerns/issues from community members: Community members want to know whether the wildlife is increasing or decreasing, and felt as if though Baffinland was not telling them the results from the ongoing monitoring program. Comments were made that the dust would contaminate the wildlife and vegetation that they use to feed themselves and their families throughout the year. There was some discussion around whether that could potentially affect the food chain and their food security. One community member also questioned whether there would be compensation for the harm/displacement to wildlife that the railroad may potentially cause.
Freshwater Environment
DOCUMENTS DATE SUBMISSION ID NUMBER Supplemental Information Package 1-May-19 DFO , Memo: BIM Response to ECCC WRMP Questions Part 1 ECCC 3.19 Freshwater Monitoring Program Fact Sheet, 2018 Aquatic Effects Monitoring Program Report, and 2018 QIA/NWB Annual Report Pond Inlet-NEW Memo: BIM Response to ECCC WRMP Questions Part 2 13-May-19 ECCC 3.20
Terrestrial Environment
DOCUMENTS DATE SUBMISSION ID NUMBER Borrow Source Investigation Factual Data Report 1-May-19 CIRNAC 02 Geotechnical Recommendations for North Railway Report CIRNAC 04, NRCAN 02, QIA 25 Shapefiles - Mine to Steensby Inlet QIA-NEW CEA Addendum 13-May-19 CIRNAC 18; GN 15, 26; PC 03 Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of issues/concerns from the community members: Community members believe that the dust will not only contaminate the wildlife and vegetation, but the freshwater and marine environments too. Community members addressed concern over explosives/blasts and the impacts that they might have on the air quality and human health.
Additional Submissions (July 10 - Aug 28)
DOCUMENTS DATE SUBMISSION ID NUMBER Alternative Shipping Routes Baseline and Effects Characterization 10-Jul-19 DFO 3.1.4, GN 23 Animated Visual Representation (Marine) DFO 3.1.7, 3.1.9, GN 22 Draft Air Quality Monitoring Framework ECCC 3.13, GN 07, 19-21 Regional Caribou Monitoring MOU GN 08 Food Security Assessment QIA 08 Evaluation of 2018 Major Training Programs QIA 32 Detailed Construction Training Plan QIA 33-36 Draft Spill at Sea Response Plan TC 27 Draft Adaptive Management Plan WWF 08 Draft IQ Collection Framework NEW Pond Inlet Consultation Record Re. Phase 2 HPI-NEW Statement on Approach to Consultation Draft Revised Project Certificate 005 for Phase 2 General Memo: Results of Additional Surficial Sampling Program 28-Aug-19 CIRNAC 02, 07 Energy Protein Model Update (Caribou) GN 18 Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of issues/concerns from the community members: Community members believe that the dust will not only contaminate the wildlife and vegetation, but the freshwater and marine environments too. Community members addressed concern over explosives/blasts and the impacts that they might have on the air quality and human health.
Summary of Correspondence with Interveners
Qikiqtani Inuit Association
Teleconferences held between Baffinland and QIA June 11th, Terrestrial Environment June 12th, Freshwater Environment Written updates provided by Baffinland to the QIA June 13th, Human Environment June 13th, Atmospheric Environment June 13th, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit Other communications April 11th, first technical meeting follow-up Bi-weekly status update meetings Crossing Selection Workshop Proposal Review 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Status of Comment Resolution - QIA
51 Technical Comments Submitted Current Updates Draft Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan does not need further review through NIRB process (QIA-18) Outstanding submissions include: Food security assessment End land use memo Evaluation of 2018 Major Training Programs Detailed Construction Training Plan Communication Protocol for Shipping Season STATUS AS OF APRIL 17TH AS OF JUNE 12TH Resolved 5 Pending Document Submission 6 2 Pending Intervener Review Ongoing Discussion 40 39 Post EA Approval 3 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Government of Nunavut Teleconferences held between Baffinland and GN
June 7th and 14th, Atmospheric, Terrestrial and Marine Environments, as well as Cumulative Effects Other communications Development of draft Memorandum of Understanding for Caribou Monitoring Acquisition of polar bear data to support icebreaking assessments Acquisition of harvest data on polar bear and caribou to support Food Security Assessment Confirmed scope of the Energy Protein Model Update Crossing Selection Workshop Proposal Review 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Status of Comment Resolution - GN
30 Technical Comments Submitted Current Updates Noise modelling for train passes resolved GN05 Commitment wording for GN07 needs to be finalized GN review ongoing for Updated Management Plans CEA Addendum Icebreaking Assessment Draft Caribou Monitoring MOU Outstanding submissions include Energy Protein Model Draft Air Quality Monitoring Framework Alternative Shipping Routes Characterization STATUS AS OF APRIL 17TH AS OF JUNE 12TH Resolved 9 10 Pending Document Submission 19 8 Pending Intervener Review 11 Ongoing Discussion 2 1 Post EA Approval 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Government of Canada Teleconferences held between Baffinland and CIRNAC and ECCC June 4th (CIRNAC), Terrestrial and Corporate Environments June 11th (ECCC), Atmospheric and Freshwater Environments Teleconferences determined not to be necessary with Health Canada and Transport Canada Submitted documents under review, no substantive updates to resolutions Written comments provided by Natural Resources Canada June 13th Formal written response from Baffinland in progress Group Teleconference on the Marine Environment held with representatives from Fisheries and Oceans, Parks Canada and Transport Canada on June 13th 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Status of Comment Resolution - CIRNAC
18 Technical Comments Submitted Current Updates Submission of draft Management Plans, Geotechnical Recommendations for North Railway Report, and CEA Addendum resolved CIRNAC 03, 04, 10, 11, 13, 18 Draft Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan does not need further review through NIRB process CIRNAC wants reassessment of NPR inputs for quarries and bedrock of deposit #1 (08, 09) Outstanding submission required of Borrow Source Investigation Factual Report (Second Phase) STATUS AS OF APRIL 17TH AS OF JUNE 12TH Resolved 6 12 Pending Document Submission 9 2 Pending Intervener Review Ongoing Discussion Post EA Approval 3 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Status of Comment Resolution - ECCC
22 Technical Comments Submitted; 3 added at Technical Meetings Current Updates Path forward agreed to for resolution of ECCC 10, 11 ECCC review ongoing for Updated black carbon and CAC emission estimate memo’s Milne Inlet effluent loadings memo Updated Management Plans Waste Rock Management Plan memo’s Outstanding submission required of Draft Air Quality Monitoring Framework STATUS AS OF APRIL 17TH AS OF JUNE 12TH Resolved 10 Path Forward Agreed To 2 Pending Document Submission 11 1 Pending Intervener Review Ongoing Discussion Post EA Approval 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
World Wildlife Fund and Oceans North
6 Technical Comments submitted directed to Baffinland Written correspondence submitted by World Wildlife Fund June 4th, Spill trajectory June 6th, New ship builds June 11th, Draft Shipping and Marine Wildlife Management Plan June 12th, Icebreaking assessment June 13th, Black carbon estimates Formal written responses from Baffinland in progress 11 Technical Comments submitted Written correspondence submitted by Oceans North on May 31st Formal response submitted by Baffinland on June 14th 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Marine Meeting June 13th: Participants included Qikiqtani Inuit Association, Government of Nunavut, Fisheries and Oceans, Parks Canada, Transport Canada, Oceans North, and World Wildlife Fund Topics discussed include: Icebreaking assessment (biophysical and socio-economic) Shipping and Marine Wildlife Management Plan CEA addendum Vessel Traffic and Anchorage Study Additional marine modelling On-going review by interveners no material updates at this time 1. Summary of upcoming consultation opportunities 2. How does Baffinland envisions long term partnership/ community feedback with North Baffin communities?
Summary of Issue Resolution
Corporate Environment Status (as of June 12)
Corporate Environment
Contributors include CIRNAC, ECCC, GN, QIA, TC, WWF, Pond Inlet and Igloolik Pending documents: Draft Revised Project Certificate 005 for Phase 2 Pond Inlet Consultation Record and Statement of Approach Draft Adaptive Management Plan Ongoing discussions IQ consideration in monitoring, alternatives, definition of sustainability, and effects assessment
Corporate Environment
Intervenor Ongoing Discussion Pending Document Submission Pending Intervenor Review Post EA Resolved All NEW CIRNAC 13, 12, 11, 10 ECCC ECCC 3.14 GN 02 01 Hamlet of Igloolik Hamlet of Pond Inlet NEW (x2) QIA 12, 11, 07, 06, 05 TC 24, 23, 22 WWF 08
Marine Environment Status (as of June 12)
Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railraod – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of concerns/issues from community members: Community members want to know whether the wildlife is increasing or decreasing, and felt as if though Baffinland was not telling them the results from the ongoing monitoring program. Comments were made that the dust would contaminate the wildlife and vegetation that they use to feed themselves and their families throughout the year. There was some discussion around whether that could potentially affect the food chain and their food security. One community member also questioned whether there would be compensation for the harm/displacement to wildlife that the railroad may potentially cause.
Marine Environment Contributors include DFO, ECCC, GN, PC, ON, QIA, TC, WWF, MHTO Pending documents: Alternative shipping route characterization Animated visual representation of ship tracks Ongoing discussions: Integration of IQ in monitoring and effects assessment Need for additional acoustic modelling Significance determinations related to ship strikes Mitigation and monitoring for invasive species Adequacy of regional study area Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railraod – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of concerns/issues from community members: Community members want to know whether the wildlife is increasing or decreasing, and felt as if though Baffinland was not telling them the results from the ongoing monitoring program. Comments were made that the dust would contaminate the wildlife and vegetation that they use to feed themselves and their families throughout the year. There was some discussion around whether that could potentially affect the food chain and their food security. One community member also questioned whether there would be compensation for the harm/displacement to wildlife that the railroad may potentially cause.
Pending Document Submission Pending Intervenor Review
Marine Environment Intervenor Ongoing Discussion Pending Document Submission Pending Intervenor Review Post EA Resolved DFO 3.8.3, , , 3.5.9, , 3.9.6, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 3.7.1, , , , , , , , , , , , , ECCC 3.22 3.02, 3.01 GN 23, 22 24 MHTO NEW ON 11, 10, 07, 06, 05, 04, 03, 02, 01 PC 03, 02, 01 QIA 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 43, 04 44 TC 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 01 WWF 06, 03 04 Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railraod – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of concerns/issues from community members: Community members want to know whether the wildlife is increasing or decreasing, and felt as if though Baffinland was not telling them the results from the ongoing monitoring program. Comments were made that the dust would contaminate the wildlife and vegetation that they use to feed themselves and their families throughout the year. There was some discussion around whether that could potentially affect the food chain and their food security. One community member also questioned whether there would be compensation for the harm/displacement to wildlife that the railroad may potentially cause.
Atmospheric Environment Status (as of June 12)
Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of concerns/issues from community members: Community members want to know whether the wildlife is increasing or decreasing, and felt as if though Baffinland was not telling them the results from the ongoing monitoring program. Comments were made that the dust would contaminate the wildlife and vegetation that they use to feed themselves and their families throughout the year. There was some discussion around whether that could potentially affect the food chain and their food security. One community member also questioned whether there would be compensation for the harm/displacement to wildlife that the railroad may potentially cause.
Atmospheric Environment
Contributors include ECCC, GN, HC and QIA Pending documents: Draft Air Quality Monitoring Framework Ongoing discussions: Development of Climate Change Action Plan Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of concerns/issues from community members: Community members want to know whether the wildlife is increasing or decreasing, and felt as if though Baffinland was not telling them the results from the ongoing monitoring program. Comments were made that the dust would contaminate the wildlife and vegetation that they use to feed themselves and their families throughout the year. There was some discussion around whether that could potentially affect the food chain and their food security. One community member also questioned whether there would be compensation for the harm/displacement to wildlife that the railroad may potentially cause.
Atmospheric Environment
Intervenor Ongoing Discussion Path Forward Agreed To Pending Document Submission Pending Intervenor Review Resolved ECCC 3.11, 3.10 3.13 3.16, 3.12, 3.09, 3.08 3.15, 3.07, 3.06, , 3.04 GN 19, 07 06, 05, 04, 03 HC 10, 05, 01 QIA 40 Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of concerns/issues from community members: Community members want to know whether the wildlife is increasing or decreasing, and felt as if though Baffinland was not telling them the results from the ongoing monitoring program. Comments were made that the dust would contaminate the wildlife and vegetation that they use to feed themselves and their families throughout the year. There was some discussion around whether that could potentially affect the food chain and their food security. One community member also questioned whether there would be compensation for the harm/displacement to wildlife that the railroad may potentially cause.
Freshwater Environment Status (as of June 12)
Freshwater Environment
Contributors include: CIRNAC, DFO, ECCC, GN, MHTO, QIA, TC Pending documents: Draft Air Quality Monitoring Framework Ongoing discussions: Additional baseline information for fish habitat Significance determinations related to water withdrawals Monitoring for water quality, sediment deposition and biota Development of water quality triggers for adaptive management Post EA Approvals Phase 1 Waste Rock Management Plan Interim Closure and reclamation Plan
Freshwater Environment
Intervenor Ongoing Discussion Pending Document Submission Pending Intervenor Review Post EA Resolved CIRNAC 06; 05 DFO , , , , , , , , , ECCC NEW, NEW, 3.21, 3.18, 3.17 3.20, NEW GN 21, 20 MHTO NEW QIA 42, 41, 22 21, 21 27, 18 29, 28 TC 02
Terrestrial Environment Status (as of June 12)
Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of issues/concerns from the community members: Community members believe that the dust will not only contaminate the wildlife and vegetation, but the freshwater and marine environments too. Community members addressed concern over explosives/blasts and the impacts that they might have on the air quality and human health.
Terrestrial Environment
Contributors include CIRNAC, ECCC, GN, HC, NRCAN, QIA, TC, WWF Pending documents: Borrow Source Investigation Factual Data Report - Second Phase Energy Protein Model Update Ongoing discussions: Integration of IQ in assessment and monitoring of caribou and vegetation Management of helicopter traffic Additional assessment of railway as potential barrier to movement Caribou mitigation measures Development of trigger for adaptive management Post EA Approvals Transport Canada Notice to Construct and Railway Operators Certificate Commercial Lease Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of issues/concerns from the community members: Community members believe that the dust will not only contaminate the wildlife and vegetation, but the freshwater and marine environments too. Community members addressed concern over explosives/blasts and the impacts that they might have on the air quality and human health.
Terrestrial Environment
Intervenor Ongoing Discussion Pending Document Submission Pending Intervenor Review Post EA Approval Resolved CIRNAC 07, 02 09, 08 04, 01, 03 ECCC 3.03 GN 25 18 26, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 11, 10, 09, 08 12 HC 03 NRCAN 02, 01 QIA 31, 30, 26, 24, 19, 16, 15, 14, 09, 02, 01 23 25, 17, 13 TC 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 09, 08, 07, 06, 05, 04, 03 WWF 07 Ignoring the accuracy of these statements For each major component addressing in a way similar to below: Railroad – effects on air (reduced emissions, less dust creations, - effects on land ( overlap with vegetation used for harvesting and caribou habitat) - effects on animals (potential overlap with caribou migrations routes and potential for mortalities) - effects on hunters (overlaps with traditional travel routes, access to site maintained etc.) Summary of issues/concerns from the community members: Community members believe that the dust will not only contaminate the wildlife and vegetation, but the freshwater and marine environments too. Community members addressed concern over explosives/blasts and the impacts that they might have on the air quality and human health.
Human Environment Status (as of June 12)
Human Environment Contributors include CIRNAC, GN, HC, ON, QIA, NIRB
Pending documents: Evaluation of 2018 Major Training Programs Detailed Construction Training Plan Food Security Assessment Ongoing discussions: Inuit employment, training and economic benefits Use of IQ in assessment of Culture, Resources and Land Use Development of triggers for adaptive management Assessment of palaeontological resources along the railway
Pending Document Submission Pending Intervenor Review
Human Environment Intervenor Ongoing Discussion Pending Document Submission Pending Intervenor Review Resolved CIRNAC 18, 17, 16, 15, 14 GN 30, 29, 28, 27 HC 04 12, 11, 09, 08, 07, 06 NIRB NEW ON 09, 08 QIA 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 33, 32, 10, 08, 03 34
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