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Presentation on theme: "2018 GREAT LAKES- MIDWEST/ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE"— Presentation transcript:

JULY 27 & 28, 2018 Chapter Board and Chapter Officers Training- Programs and Education Breakout Session

2 Chair/VP for Programs and Education
Provide chapter members and potential members with educational & professional development opportunities Develop programs for chapter meetings Secure knowledgeable speakers Host and present workshops

3 Speakers at Chapter Meetings
Speakers for these programs should be subject experts and knowledgeable in RIM, IG, or their respective fields. Speakers may be obtained from a number of local sources – businesses, colleges/universities, government agencies, vendors/business partners, non-profit and other local organizations. They can be from within the chapter or from other chapters. It is always interesting to hear how other organizations maintain their records.

4 Speakers & Program Ideas
Shake things up by scheduling a tour of a records facility, library/archive, museum or any other appropriate place instead of at the “usual” meeting place. Schedule meetings at different times/locations to accommodate different schedules/locations of members Utilize speakers lists from ARMA, the region, and other chapters in order to compile an extensive list of topics for chapter presentations Consider options for providing remote/online access to programs for those unable to attend in person

5 WORKSHOPS Workshops are an excellent means of more in- depth educational content on popular topics and/or popular speakers A workshop can be an extended regular meeting or can be held separately A business meeting should not be conducted at the workshop, since this may discourage some members/potential participants from attending

6 On-Demand Web Seminars
“On Demand” Web Seminars available free from ARMA. Webinars can be used for regular meetings & workshops. Webinars provide flexibility & easy access at your convenience. Subjects include MER Conference programs, SharePoint, RIM and new technologies. Access the list at Be sure that the technology is working properly in advance of your meeting so attendees don’t wait while the laptop and projector are set up & Internet connections made!

7 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS The Programs Chair is encouraged to seek out collaborative opportunities for developing educational programs, both inside and outside of ARMA Joint programs with nearby chapters provide opportunities to leverage resources to develop enhanced programming while also providing great networking opportunities Great opportunities also exist to partner and establish relationships with other organizations, such as industry specific professional groups, business partners, or programs at local colleges. The Programs Chair to stay abreast of area educational opportunities, reach out to potential education partners, and bring educational and/or partnership opportunities to the attention of the chapter and its members.

8 Program Chair Duties & Committees
Appointing Program Committee members and directing the activities of the committee. Arranging for the program for each regular chapter meeting. Serving as advisor to and coordinating activities of the Arrangements Committee. Where applicable, planning & executing an annual chapter seminar with the Seminars Committee.

9 Program Chair Duties & Committees, cont’d
Negotiating arrangements/contracts with the meeting facility Developing, with the committee, an annual chapter seminar that offers exposure to the RIM industry and increases funds for the chapter. Facilitating the program portion of the chapter meeting. Performing other duties as specified by the chapter president or bylaws.

10 Program Chair- Committees
The Program Chair has oversight over the following areas and committees (where applicable): Education (scholarships) ICRM Library Programs (monthly meetings)

11 Discussion Questions How did you develop your programs this year? What resources did you use to identify topics and speakers? How many educational programs did your chapter offer? Discuss in your group the most successful programs from the past year, as well as what specific industries, businesses and organizations your speakers came from Did you develop your slate of programs at the beginning of the year, or did you do it a month at a time? Did your chapter hold any joint programs with other chapters or other organizations? How successful were they? With online meetings becoming more prevalent, how has your chapter dealt with this? Do you provide online access to chapter meetings/programs? If so, what do you charge for online vs. in-person attendance? What do you see as the primary benefits vs. concerns of online chapter meetings? What are the largest issues facing chapters in terms of providing successful education programs? Are there resources that HQ or the region could develop or provide that would make chapter programming easier?


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