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Independent Science Research (ISR)

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1 Independent Science Research (ISR)
What Science(s) Should I Take Next Year??? Honors Level science course – 0.5 GPA bump Option for dual enrollment for seniors Senior level course

2 Science Courses Offered at WHS
Earth Science (Honors & Academic) Biology (Honors & Academic) Chemistry Physics (Conceptual & Physics) Environmental Explorations AP Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) Independent Science Research (12th grade)

3 What Would I Do In ISR? Design and develop an independent science research project that will be represented in the Regional Science Fair Conducting lab experiments, researching scientific problems, analyzing science in the media You will work both independently and with your peers throughout the year

4 What Do I Need To Know (Pre-requisite Knowledge/Skills)
STRONG foundation in all of the sciences Statistical analysis skills How to design and conduct an experiment Research and Writing skills

5 What Makes a Student Successful in ISR?
They want to be in the class Able to work independently without teacher supervision Able to meet all deadlines, time management skills, motivated learner Able to work well as a team Creative approach to science

6 Why Do Students Take This Course?
To gain a greater understanding of the scientific method process To pursue a personal interest in a particular science question or field To prepare themselves for science research courses in college

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