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Head and Neck Muscles There are 4 basic functions of head and neck muscles: swallowing and chewing (mastication) making facial expressions moving your head and neck supporting your head
Muscles of the Head and Neck
Called the occipitofrontalis together
Posterior neck muscles
The muscles in the neck help to support the head. How much do you think an average adult head weighs? (over 11 pounds)
1-2. What are 2 muscles of mastication?
masseter, temporalis 3. What muscle would you use to close your eye? orbicularis oculi What muscle would you use to kiss? orbicularis oris 5. What muscle would you use to whistle? buccinator
6. What is the origin of the zygomaticus?
zygomatic bone What muscle allows you to frown? Platysma, Mentalis, Orbicularis oris, Frontalis To look down use your Sternocleidomastoid Are the semispinalis capitis and the splenius capitis synergists? yes
Study tip reminders Touch the muscles as you say them.
Picture the muscles origin and insertion. Act out the muscle action. Look at pictures of real people. Practice with a friend. Seek out quizzes and animations on-line.
Click on the picture to watch a great explanation of head and neck muscles.
From Superficial View 1 Levator labii superioris 4. Orbicularis oculi
2. Zygomaticus major and minor 5. Nasalis 3. Risorius 6. Frontalis 8. Orbicularis oris 7. Depressor anguli oris 9. Mentalis Word Bank: Depressor anguli oris, Frontalis, Levator labii superioris, Mentalis, Nasalis, Orbicularis oculi, Orbicularis oris, Risorius, Zugomaticus
Reliable Study Aids Inner Body Link Get Body Smart
Coloring- Muscles of Facial Expression
1. Are muscles K and J antagonists or synergists? Antagonists (Levator and Depressor) 2. What is the muscle action of the Levator labii superioris? Elevates 3-4. The Risorius is a (deep / superficial ) muscle meaning it is ( away from / near ) the surface. Fun Fact: The Mentalis is known as the “pouting muscle”.
Coloring- Muscles of Mastication
5. What is the name of muscle A? Temporalis 6. What is the name of muscle B? Masseter 7. Are muscles A and B synergists or antagonists? Synergists- Elevate jaw 8. What is the name of the insertion bone for muscles A and B? Mandible 9. Is the above named bone moveable or immovable? Movable- only movable skull bone
Coloring- Muscles that move the head
10. What is the name of muscle A? Platysma 11. What is the name of muscle B? Sternocleidomastoid
Coloring- Muscles that move the head
12. What is the name of letter C? Trapezius 13. Is muscle D (Splenius capitus) superficial or deep? Deep to trapezius 14. What is the action of muscle E (Levator scapulae)? Elevates scapula
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