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make 8 diagrams Vocabulary diagram Teacher Definition

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1 make 8 diagrams Vocabulary diagram Teacher Definition
Student Definition Picture Vocab Word Student Sentence Teacher Sentence

2 Genetic Change that occurs over time.
evolution Genetic Change that occurs over time. This occurs over the course of…

3 evolution Genetic Change that occurs over time.
Highlight the word!! evolution Natural selection is how Darwin explained the evolution of species. Genetic Change that occurs over time.

4 A species that changed overtime into two or more species.
Common ancestor A species that changed overtime into two or more species. Two different species that used to…

5 A species that changed overtime into two or more species.
Common ancestor A common ancestor for several species of turtles on the Galapagos Islands was believed to have a variety of neck lengths. A species that changed overtime into two or more species.

6 Selection of traits by nature based on survival of the fittest.
Natural selection Selection of traits by nature based on survival of the fittest. This is when an animal survives in nature because…

7 Natural selection Selection of traits by nature based on survival of the fittest. Natural selection results in different fitness levels.

8 competing for limited resources
competition competing for limited resources Such as food, territory, mates When two animals fight over ____________ because…

9 competition In nature, competition leads to survival of the fittest.
competing for limited resources In nature, competition leads to survival of the fittest.

10 The ability to survive and reproduce.
fitness The ability to survive and reproduce. If an animal can successfully…

11 fitness The ability to survive and reproduce.
Individuals don’t have the same fitness level.

12 Any inherited trait that increases the chance of survival.
adaptation Any inherited trait that increases the chance of survival. Animals need these traits because…

13 adaptation Adaptations can increase an organism’s fitness.
Any inherited trait that increases the chance of survival. Adaptations can increase an organism’s fitness.

14 Selection of traits that are most desirable to humans.
Artificial selection Selection of traits that are most desirable to humans. Humans like animal traits that…

15 Selection of traits that are most desirable to humans.
Artificial selection Horses have undergone artificial selection resulting in a horse species that is faster than before. Selection of traits that are most desirable to humans.

16 A group of organisms that can reproduce viable offspring
Species Teacher definition teacher sentence A group of organisms that can reproduce viable offspring Polar bears and grizzly bears are different species because they cannot reproduce with one another

17 Summary – one summary at the end
Name Date Period Unit 3 Evolution Darwin 3.1 EQ: How does the evidence of evolution support the theory that all organisms have evolved from a common ancestor? Take notes here * Read Chapter 15 for additional support LT: Questions 22 Provide evidence from several sources that all organisms have evolved from a common ancestor. Summary – one summary at the end

18 Theory vs law There are 5 main kinds of living organisms on our planet. Plants, fish-things that swim, humans, cattle, birds-things that fly Within these 5 strands of life there are micro changes. We do not see a change between the categories only changes within the same categories. We can see transformations within the categories. For example horses became bigger and faster in response to their environment- this allowed them to survive over time. All species have changes that allow them to survive in their environment- where did this ability come from?

19 Law in science It is innate in nature
It can not be changed it is only observed For example Law of gravity Law of gravity can be observed to occur over and over but it can not be changed in nature

20 Theory in science Is an explanation of why nature is the way it is
Theories can change Evolution theory It the best explanation at this time given the information we have discovered so far More information then modifications to the theory can be made-we can change our theory as our knowledge grow

21 chunk Write one question for this section

22 Evolution: Evidence and Theory
Chapter 15 Evolution: Evidence and Theory “The mechanisms of evolution are debated, not the fact that it has occurred and is occurring”

23 Charles Darwin was an English scientist.

24 Darwin traveled to the Galapagos Islands aboard the H. M. S
Darwin traveled to the Galapagos Islands aboard the H.M.S. Beagle(boat). He was only 22 years old

25 Darwin made many of his observations on the Galapagos Islands.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Darwin made many of his observations on the Galapagos Islands.

26 chunk

27 Darwin found similar birds with different shaped beaks in the Galapagos.

28 Darwin noted that tortoises from different islands had different shell shapes.

29 Darwin collected fossils.
Galapagos island Darwin collected fossils. Some fossils looked like organisms that were still alive. Others looked completely unlike any creature he had ever seen.

30 Size of a large football
7/20/2019 Extinct Glyptodon Size of a VW Beetle car Armadillo mm Size of a large football

31 chunk

32 Darwin began to wonder if the animals living on different islands had once belonged to the same species. These different species would have evolved from a common ancestor.

33 Charles Darwin Proposed the theory that organisms evolve, or change over time, by natural selection.

34 For Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection to work, Earth would have to be very old and change slowly over time. Around the same time, Hutton and Lyell proposed that geological forces shaped the Earth over Millions of years.

35 Evolution Evolution = change over time
Millions of years Evolution = change over time ****It takes a long time to happen****

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